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Abortion in the French Constitution: Another Step Forward

[Paris, 28 February 2024] Today is a historic day: the French Senate has just voted in favour of introducing abortion into the French Constitution. The text was adopted with 267 votes in favour, and 50 votes against.

The French coordination for the European Women’s Lobby (La CLEF) congratulates the Senate on its vote. A vote that brings hope to all women in Poland, Hungary, the United States and everywhere else where our right to control our own bodies is denied by conservative ideas.

To introduce in the Constitution - the highest text in the legal French system - women’s freedom to have an abortion, is nothing less than ensuring the fundamental right for women to control their own bodies. The freedom to have an abortion means giving women the right to choose for themselves, to decide for themselves. Prohibiting abortion, limiting it, or hindering it in any way whatsoever, is to consider that women are not in a position to make their own choices, and to relegate them to the status of eternal minors.

For this reason, the Senate’s vote is a real victory. It is a step forward on the path that will lead France to be the first country in the world to enshrine the freedom of abortion in its Constitution. It is a message of hope for all women in Europe and throughout the world. Today, la CLEF is calling on Congress (the National Assembly and the Senate gathered in one chamber) to make this historic decision a reality!


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Céline THIEBAULT MARTINEZ, president of La CLEF
+33 673382667


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