Action Kit

Action Kit

action kit

The European Women’s Lobby (EWL) is happy to share with you the Action Kit for the project “Act against rape! Use the Istanbul Convention!”, a joint project with the Council of Europe (CoE). The aim of the project is to promote the Istanbul Convention by raising awareness on the positive changes it can bring with a special focus on sexual violence, including rape.

This Action Kit is aimed at helping the Coordinators organise the events at country level, keeping coherence among all the events as part of a joint EWL – CoE project.

This Action Kit provides practical and user friendly information on:

• Key messages

• Information and Resources, including facts and figures

• Information for the organisation of the events

• Tips and recommendations to build up alliances for the event

• Ideas for communication and media

• Tools: templates for visual identity, press release and reporting.

Please, download the Action Kit here.


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