• Open letter to the ECOFIN Council calling for a long-term EU budget and recovery funds that advances women’s rights and equality between women and men

    Open letter to the ECOFIN Council calling for a long-term EU budget and recovery funds that advances women's rights and equality between women and men

    Open letter to the ECOFIN Council calling for a long-term EU budget and recovery funds that advances women’s rights and equality between women and men
    3 November 2020 Brussels, Belgium
    Dear Finance Ministers of EU Member States,
    In copy: Members of the Committee of the Permanent Representatives of the Governments of the Member States to the European Union (Coreper II)
    The European Women’s Lobby (EWL), the largest umbrella organisation in Europe representing over 2,000 women’s (...) Read more

  • EWL policy brief: EU funds must mirror women’s equality

    EWL policy brief: EU funds must mirror women's equality

    [Brussels, 29 June] On 27 May 2020, President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, presented at the European Parliament, a proposal for a €750 billion recovery instrument, “Next Generation EU”, which will be embedded in the next long-term €1.1 trillion EU budget (Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027).
    These funds to “Repair and Prepare” intend to tackle the economic and social impacts of COVID-19 and drive the EU towards a green and digital future (see EWL’s policy brief “Women (...) Read more

  • Open letter to EU Heads of State: Funding the fight to end violence against women and girls

    Open letter to EU Heads of State: Funding the fight to end violence against women and girls

    [Brussels, 16 July] Today, End FGM European Network, the European Women’s Lobby, IPPF-European Network and Women against Violence Europe, members of the European Coalition to end violence against women and girls, have written an open letter to President of the European Council, Charles Michel, Head of Presidency of the Council, Chancellor Angela Merkel, and EU Heads of State, regarding the MFF 2021-2027 and the EU’s recovery plans. We are calling for their urgent commitment to ensure (...) Read more

  • Letter to President von der Leyen: An EU budget that fully finances equality between women and men as a political priority

    Letter to President von der Leyen: An EU budget that fully finances equality between women and men as a political priority

    [Brussels, 2 July] In light of the European Commission’s proposals on an EU recovery plan and long-term budget (the Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027), EWL are deeply concerned about the proposed cuts to critical funds that advance the rights of women and girls, cuts to decentralised agencies among which the European Institute for Gender Equality, as well as the stark absence of women’s perspectives across both proposals.
    EWL have written to President of the European Commission, (...) Read more

  • The EU’s economic recovery package must recognise women’s invaluable contribution to society

    The EU's economic recovery package must recognise women's invaluable contribution to society

    [Brussels, 22 May 2020] The European Commission President is expected to propose an EU Economic Recovery Package next Wednesday (27 May), in which women throughout Europe expect a strong signal in recognition of their invaluable contribution to the economy and to society. This is the essence of the petition #HalfOfIt initiated by Member of the European Parliament Alexandra Geese (Greens/EFA).
    Since the COVID-19 pandemic was declared in March, women across Europe are sustaining our (...) Read more

  • 4 reasons why the new Gender Equality Strategy (2020-2025) is key in responses to the COVID-19 crisis and its aftermath

     4 reasons why the new Gender Equality Strategy (2020-2025) is key in responses to the COVID-19 crisis and its aftermath

    [Brussels, 13 May 2020] - The current Covid-19 crisis has only made the need for coordinated EU action on women’s rights clearer to everyone. It is proof that inequalities between women and men are persistent and that unpaid and undervalued care – overwhelmingly provided by women – is the backbone of our societies.
    Women all across Europe need to see progress urgently. It is essential to finally put equality between women and men back at the heart of the EU project - it must drive our (...) Read more

  • Statement and resources from EWL Members across Europe

    Statement and resources from EWL Members across Europe

    EWL Members across Europe have been very active and vocal on the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on women and girls. On this page you can find our Members’ statements, communications, and resources on COVID-19, in different formats and languages. Please visit this page to find EWL’s Policy Brief on gender and COVID-19.
    **EWL’s National Coordinations Austria - Österreichischer Frauenring on the risks of increased domestic violence and links to helplines in Austria Czech Republic - Czech Women’s (...) Read more

  • For a Europe that cares for all – during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond

    For a Europe that cares for all – during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond

    [Brussels, 22 April 2020] The European Women’s Lobby is one of the signatories of this joint statement by the group Europe We Want. Find the pdf with the full list of signatories below.
    Democracy – Inclusion – Justice – Solidarity – Sustainability
    The COVID-19 pandemic is demonstrating all too well that unequal societies go hand-in-hand with human suffering, fragile economies, and delicate democracies. Solidarity must be the bedrock of Europe’s response to this crisis: to fighting the pandemic (...) Read more

  • The gendered impact of COVID-19

    The gendered impact of COVID-19

    [Brussels, 21 April 2020] This piece was originally published on Apolitical by Nuray Özbay, Turkish National Expert on VAW at European Women’s Lobby. Why the pandemic hits women harder — and what governments can do about it
    The COVID-19 crisis disproportionately affects women. We need to implement urgent gender-sensitive public policy responses to mitigate the pressing health and safety risks for women.
    The world is tragically suffering from the COVID-19 pandemic. Caught unprepared, more (...) Read more

  • Call for a European Solidarity Stimulus Plan: European solidarity must continue during the COVID-19 pandemic and in the aftermath

    Call for a European Solidarity Stimulus Plan: European solidarity must continue during the COVID-19 pandemic and in the aftermath

    [Brussels, 15 April 2020] Welcoming the EU’s finance ministers’ decision to finally come together to provide a short-term ‘COVID recovery plan’ for Europe, the European Women’s Lobby (EWL), stresses that solidarity must be the new norm now and especially in the long-term.
    “We are all in this together, now and will continue to be in the future.” Cautioned EWL President Gwendoline Lefebvre. “While we are reassured by this modest show of solidarity that the European project is still alive, a greater (...) Read more



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