EWL News

EVENT: Launch of the new Report on Cyberviolence

When: 1 October 10h30-13h30 (CET)
Where: Thon Hotel EU, Rue de la Loi 75, 1040 Bruxelles
Recording: Watch the recording of the event here.
Contact: zaboia@womenlobby.org

In the era of digitalisation, the incidence of cyber violence against women and girls (CVAWG) is surging. The advent of new technologies, particularly social media, has transformed the way we engage and communicate online. As our identity expresses itself also online, cyber violence against women appears as a continuum of violence against women. The same gender stereotypes and misogyny which cause the already known forms of violence against women, manifest online with new forms and similar effects.

This event aims at launching the publication of the EWL Report on Cyber Violence which gives an overview of the forms of CVAWG, of the policy framework and a set of policy recommendations to tackle the issue.

The event will include a presentation of the Report, with the interventions of the main authors and co-authors, followed by a round table on cyber violence with academic experts and policy makers.
The final goal of the event is to raise awareness on cyber violence against women and encourage EU policy makers and civil society to act against CVAW.



10:30 - 10: 45 Check-in and Welcome
10:45 - 10:50 Introductory Remarks by EWL Vice President, Viviane Tertelbaum
10:50 - 11:10 Presentation of the Report: Virginia Dalla Pozza, Senior Expert in Legal and Policy Services, Author of the Report
11:10 - 11:25 EWL Recommendations: Maria João Faustino, EWL Executive Committee Member
11:25 - 12:15 Roundtable on Cyberviolence

  • MEP Evin Incir (S&D, Sweden) Member of the LIBE Committee
  • Eleonora Esposito, Seconded National Expert, Case Handler Officer in the Digital Services Unit of DG CNECT
  • Silvia Semenzin, Post-Doctoral Researcher in Digital Sociology at the Complutense University of Madrid and Human Rights Activist
  • Catherine Van De Heyning, Professor of European Fundamental Rights University of Antwerp, Public Prosecutor, Expert Advisory Committee UN Human Rights Council
  • Victoria Sarmiento Herrero, Government Affairs Specialist, Microsoft
    12:15 - 12:25 Questions and Answers Session
    12:25 - 12:35 Conclusions by EWL Secretary-General Mary Collins on the Beijing Platform for Action and Cyberviolence
    12:35-13:35 Networking Lunch


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