EWL News

EWL unveils eight priorities for the Cypriot Presidency of the EU

[Brussels, 04 April 2012] On 01 July 2012, the Presidency of the Council of the European Union (EU) will pass from Denmark to Cyprus. The European Women’s Lobby calls on the forthcoming Cypriot Presidency to be a driving force for women’s rights in Europe especially in the current financial, economic and social crisis.

The EWL has listed eight priorities for the Cypriot Presidency in the area of gender equality.

  1. Ensure future EU funding for women’s rights and gender equality in the negotiations on the MFF 2014-2020;
  2. Take a leadership role in the negotiations aiming at adopting the revised maternity leave Directive;
  3. Issue strong Council conclusions on violence against women;
  4. Ensure sexual and reproductive health and rights for all women living in Europe;
  5. Support the adoption of binding EU-level legislation to reach parity on company boards;
  6. Ensure that equality between women and men is at the core of the implementation, reporting and monitoring mechanisms of the Europe 2020 Strategy;
  7. take a leadership role in developing EU targets and standards on quality and affordable care services across the life-cycle;
  8. Take a leadership role in the Council negotiations on the draft anti-discrimination Directive.

Read the EWL’s eight priorities here.

ewl priorities cypriot presidency 2012 en final


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