European Commission delivers its plan to eliminate female genital mutilation
[Brussels, 25 November 2013] On the occasion of the International Day against violence against women, the European Commission has unveiled its new communication ’Towards the elimination of female genital mutilation’ (FGM). The European Women’s Lobby (EWL) welcomes such initiative, which gives visibility to FGM as a severe form of violation of women’s rights. In particular, the EWL welcomes the comprehensive appraoch adopted by the European Commission, which addresses all aspects of an integral policy framework: prevention, prosecution, protection and international action.
Together with the communication, the EC delivers a series of communication and information tools, including a video clip about survivors of FGM, a press release, a facebook page ’Say Zero Tolerance to FGM, facts and figures, etc. In particular, the EC Advisory Committee on equal opportunities, to which the EWL is an active member, has delivered an opinion asking the EC to integrate its work on FGM in a more comprehensive policy framework addressing all forms of violence against women. The EWL hopes that the EC will continue to include FGM in the continnum of violence against women and therefore address it fro a broad gender equality perspective, with the aim to end all forms of violence against women.
You will find below more information about the European Commission’s information package: click here to access the Press Pack which contains further information, including:
- · Press Release: "Violence Against Women: EU takes action against female genital mutilation"
- · Consultation results on combating female genital mutilation in the EU
- · Facebook page on European Commission Campaign: ’Zero Tolerance for FGM’
- · Advisory Committee Opinion on an EU initiative on female genital mutilation (2013)
- · European Commission web page on eliminating FGM
- · Joint Statement on the International Day against Female Genital Mutilation (6 February 2013)
- · Zero Tolerance to FGM - Testimonials trailer
- · Zero Tolerance to FGM - Naana Otoo-Yortey
- · Zero Tolerance to FGM - Ifrah Ahmed
- · Zero Tolerance to FGM - Khady Koita