
  • Big success at the event organised by the HWL in Budapest

    Big success at the event organised by the HWL in Budapest

    On the 10th of December, the Hungarian Women’s Lobby organised an event whose goal was twofold: on the one hand, to put on the political agenda the necessity of effective state response to sexual violence and rape, and on the second hand to mobilise decision-makers in order to sign and ratify the Istanbul Convention.
    The forum on the 10th December was opened by Ms. Borbála Juhász, chair of the Hungarian Women’s Lobby, the Importance and Main Principles of the Istanbul Convention was explained (...) Read more

  • 10 Dec, Budapest, Hungary

    10 Dec, Budapest, Hungary

    For an effective state response to violence against women: the necessity for joining to the Istanbul Convention
    Date: 10 December 2013; venue: The Office of the Parliament. Budapest 1055, Széchenyi rakpart 19.
    The Hungarian Women’s Lobby joined the project of the European Women’s Lobby and the Council of Europe entitled: Act against Rape! Use the Istanbul Convention! to be held in 33 countries. Following the objectives of the project, the goal of the Hungarian program is twofold: to put on (...) Read more


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