EWL press coverage

Press coverage newspapers icon Copies of some of the press coverage our work has received.

  • Pourquoi c’est important - One Billion Rising for Justice

    Pourquoi c'est important - One Billion Rising for Justice

    Cette bannière représente toutes les femmes du monde qui soutiennent One Billion Rising. Mercredi matin, de nombreuses personnes sont venues la signer dans l’enceinte du Parlement européen, pour montrer leur engagement.
    One Billion Rising, c’est quoi ? C’est une campagne mondiale de lutte contre les violences faites aux femmes, qui a pour but de mobiliser un milliard de personnes dans le monde le jour de la Saint-Valentin.
    Ce vendredi 14 février ne sera donc pas seulement la journée des (...) Read more

  • Estão todos prontos para Hillary Clinton, mas a última palavra é dela

    Estão todos prontos para Hillary Clinton, mas a última palavra é dela

    Estão todos prontos para Hillary Clinton, mas a última palavra é dela.
    Por Catarina Falcão
    A campanha de Hillary Clinton já tem tudo para concorrerà Casa Branca. Só falta o sim da candidata
    A dois anos das presidenciais norte-americanas, Hillary Clinton tem tudo a postos para se lançar para a Casa Branca. Já conta com um movimento de angariação de fundos chamado "Ready for Hillary" - que arrecadou mais de 4 milhões de euros em doações no ano passado -, tem a máquina que elegeu Obama em 2008 e 2012 (...) Read more

  • Demonstration in Brussels to support abortion right in Spain and Europe - 29/01/2014

    Demonstration in Brussels to support abortion right in Spain and Europe - 29/01/2014

    On 29 January 2014, 2000 people gathered in front of the Spanish embassy to stand against the Spanish bill aiming at restricting the right of women to have an abortion. Then, they headed to the European Parliament (Place du Luxembourg) where the demonstration ended.
    The European Women’s Lobby, alongside with several European organisations such as the European Humanist Federation, Abortion Right!, and International Planned Parenthood Federation, took part in the demonstration to protect the (...) Read more

  • The complex and emotive debate on abortion in Europe

    The complex and emotive debate on abortion in Europe

    In this edition of U-Talk we hear both sides of the debate argument on abortion
    Julie in Paris asks: “The U-turn by the Spanish government on abortion is seen by some as a backwards step for womens’ rights in Europe. What do you think?”
    The first response is from Virginie Mercier of the French- based anti-abortion campaign March for Life.
    “The issue of abortion is not only about women’s rights but it’s about the right of the unborn child. The child in utero already has his/her own freedom, (...) Read more

  • Germany may roll back legalised prostitution amid exploitation fears

    Germany may roll back legalised prostitution amid exploitation fears

    [Brussels, 17 December 2013] Equal Times, a global news, opinion and campaign website interviewed Pierrette Pape (Coordinator of the EWL’s campaign “For a Europe Free from Prostitution”) on the German’s policy on prostitution.
    Since legalising prostitution in 2002, Germany has experienced a significant increase in sex tourism.
    According to statistics, more than a million men now pay for sex with Germany’s (...) Read more

  • Haro sur la prostitution en Scandinavie, le pays où le client n’est plus roi

    Haro sur la prostitution en Scandinavie, le pays où le client n'est plus roi

    [Bruxelles, 4 Décembre 2013] Pierrette Pape, coordinatrice du Lobby Européen des Femmes et de la campagne « Pour une Europe Libérée de la Prostitution », a accordé un entretien au quotidien Suisse La Liberté, publié le 4 Décembre 2013. Elle revient sur le modèle Suédois de pénalisation du client.
    En 1999, la Suède a décidé de pénaliser l’achat d’actes sexuels afin de lutter contre la prostitution et les violences qu’elle inflige aux personnes prostituées. Outre cette mesure phare, Pierrette Pape souligne « (...) Read more

  • Policymakers show “lack of political will” to tackle root cause of sex trafficking

    Policymakers show “lack of political will” to tackle root cause of sex trafficking

    \Policymakers show “lack of political will” to tackle root cause of sex trafficking By Cécile Gréboval - 9th October 2013 The Parliament Magazine
    " The average woman in prostitution is between 18 and 20 years of age, trafficked from Romania, fearful of recourse to the police; pimps lead their ’businesses’ like any other entrepreneurs, and the purchase of sex is just like any other trade market"
    Cécile Gréboval
    Prostitution is a form of violence against women and must be treated as such, writes (...) Read more

  • Women’s NGO lobbies for a prostitution-free Europe

    Women's NGO lobbies for a prostitution-free Europe

    Maurizio Molinari, writes here for Equal Times, an online publication following an interview conducted at the EWL with Policy Officer and Campaign Coordinator Pierrette Pape and Anna Bates, EWL Communications and Media Officer.
    Maurizio Molinari for Equal Times
    The European Women’s Lobby was joined by a coalition of 53 MEPs last week to call for an end to what they describe as “an obstacle to equality between women and men and a violation of human rights”.
    This obstacle is prostitution and (...) Read more

  • MEPs and NGOs issue call for UN to recognise gender, economy and ecology perspectives

    A group of MEPs and NGOs have issued a call for gender, economy and ecology perspectives to be included in the UN’s new sustainable development goals (SDGs).
    It is essential that the analysis and recommendations from the perspective of civil-society environmental and women’s rights organisations are taken into account when governments and UN agencies are preparing their priorities for a framework of goals and targets for development following the Rio+20 summit in June 2012, as well as the (...) Read more



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