European & International News

2014 European Parliament elections: your vote counts more than you think!

[Press release from COFACE-EU, Berlin, 28 March 2014] COFACE, in cooperation with Eurofound and COFACE’s German member organisation AGF organised the European elections’ debate "2014: Citizen action for better family policies" on 28th March in Berlin.

Nearly 400 million adults in Europe will be entitled to vote between 22 and 25 May to elect the 751 MEPs in the new European Parliament. The European Parliament has power in a number of areas that affect everyday lives of the families living in Europe. We think it is extremely important to vote, for that reason, we organised this debate aiming at help European citizens to make a choice for the 2014 European Parliament Elections.

The event focused on how to tackle the current political distrust and disengagement of European citizens as well as to motivate voters to get engaged, learn more about the European Union and vote at the European elections coming up in May.

Participants were welcomed by Sven Iversen, Director of AGF, Robert Anderson, Head of Unit, Eurofound and Annemie Drieskens, President of COFACE.

Daphne Nathalie Ahrendt, Research Manager from Eurofound presented the Policy brief "Political trust and civic engagement during the crisis”.

Agnes Uhereczky, COFACE Director, presented the #FamiliesVOTE2014 publication "Helping you make your choice for the 2014 European Parliament Elections".

After the presentations there was a general discussion and a one hour debate with the speakers with questions from the floor and from Twitter using the hashtag: #FamiliesVOTE2014.
The interactive session was moderated by Jon Worth, online campaigner and EU blogger. Karoline Münz, Vice-Secretary General from the European Movement Germany also contributed to the discussion with her experience and knowledge about the EU and the up-coming elections.
The event was also webstreamed live, and a number of viewers from different countries were able to join the live session this way.

If you missed it or would like to watch it again, all the videos of the event are here.

#FamiliesVOTE2014 on Twitter

PICTURES of the event

More information on this event, please click here.


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