
At national level

Turn Off the Red Light - End Prostitution and Sex Trafficking in Ireland

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Turn Off The Red Light is a campaign to end prostitution and sex trafficking in Ireland. It is being run by a new alliance of civil society organisations. Trafficking women and girls for the purposes of sexual exploitation is a modern, global form of slavery. We believe that the best way to combat this is to tackle the demand for prostitution by criminalising the purchase of sex.

Click here to get the leaflet.


Fondation Scelles, France


Fondation Scelles believes that any person should live without having recourse to prostitution. Fondation Scelles thinks that prostitution is a violation of human rights, equality and dignity, and a source for social and personal violence. We are abolitionist and engage against the exploitation of prostituted persons, notably in the framework of trafficking in human beings. We believe that education, prevention, awareness raising, and the sanctioning of people who exert violence against prostituted persons, are key to develop a comprehensive policy.

To find out more, visit the website of Fondation Scelles.


End Prostitution Now, Scotland, UK

stop demand

End Prostitution Now is a campaign led by Glasgow City Council which aims to raise awareness of the harm caused through prostitution and put the focus on the buyers of sex - the DEMAND - who have in the past been invisible from public debate. We believe that it is the demand which fuels the sex industry in Glasgow and, only by targeting this demand and challenging attitudes towards buying sex, will we be able to put a stop to this harmful activity which blights cities and towns across Scotland.

Click here to find out more.


Collectif Alouette, France

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Collectif Alouette gathers activists engaged against sexual exploitation. It promotes sexual freedom as long as it does not undermine human dignity and it refuses any commodification of the human body. Its main goal is to support the 30 proposals of 13 April 2011 from the parliamentary mission on prostitution, by raising public awareness, notably through a petition on the Internet.

Click here to find out more.


Mouvement du Nid France

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Mouvement du Nid is a non-for-profit and certified of public interest organisation, which works towards persons in prostitution in 32 French cities. Mouvement du Nid advocates for:

  • The abrogation of all repressive measures addressing persons in prostitution;
  • The fight against all forms of procuring;
  • The opening of real alternatives for those who wish to quit the system of prostitution;
    Awareness raising campaigns towards prostitute-users and a legal measure prohibiting the purchase of sexual acts, following the examples of Sweden (1999), Norway (2008) and Iceland (2009);
  • Prevention campaign towards youth in order to prevent them from becoming prostitute, procurer or prostitute-user.

Mouvement du Nid also publishes the magazine Prostitution & Société, also available on the web.

Click here to find out more.


Amicale du Nid, France

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Created in 1946, Amicale du Nid is a French NGO, secularist and free from any political group, which wants to participate in the building of a society without prostitution, and to accompany women and men in prostitution, minors and adults, and help them to build alternatives to their situation.

Click here to find out more.


International network Zéromacho - Des hommes contre la prostitution (Men against prostitution), France

zeromacho pour web

The network Zéromacho gathers men from all countries, ages, origins and conditions. We have created the international network Zéromacho to publicly say NO to machismo, and in particular to its most extreme violence which is prostitution.

Click here to find out more.


The Anti Porn Men Project, UK

anti porn men project logo for web

The Anti Porn Men Project is an online space for (mainly) men to write about and discuss anti-porn issues. The Project also provides and sign-posts anti-porn resources and news concerning pornography. It is the general opinion of those involved in The Anti Porn Men Project that pornography is one of the most important social issues that we face in tackling both violence against women and wider gender inequality, as well as an important personal issue in the lives and relationships of many people. It is for these reasons -and not out of any conservative or religious sentiments- that The Anti Porn Men Project is anti-porn. Our mission is to help develop a wider knowledge and recognition of the harms of pornography. We hope this will help bring about a greater level of both personal and public questioning of pornography.

Click here to find out more.


UK Feminista, UK

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UK Feminista supports people to campaign for a world where women and men are equal. Why? Because despite massive advances in the status of women, gender inequality remains rife in the UK and across the world.
We believe that political, economic and social equality between women and men is possible – and it is a world that will be better for all. But progress doesn’t just ‘happen’. It takes ordinary women and men to stand up and be counted and create the world they want to live in. Our aim is to inspire and enable people to do just that.

Click here to find out more.



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OBJECT is the leading human rights organisation challenging ‘sex object culture’ - the increased sexual objectification of women in the media and popular culture. It does this by campaigning against the mainstreaming of the sex and porn industries through things like lads’ mags, lap dancing, Page 3, and the glamorisation of prostitution. This is crucial because of the role ‘sex object culture’ plays in reinforcing sexism and legitimising attitudes which underpin inequality and violence against women.

OBJECT launched the Demand Change! Campaign in partnership with Eaves in 2009 to tackle demand for prostitution - the most extreme form of objectification and commodification.

Click here to find out more.



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