European & International News

Documentary gives voice to refugees in Greece

[Brussels, 06 August 2012] Filmed in Athens between October 2011 and February 2012, in the midst of social, political and economic turmoil, the documentary "How much further?" raises the voices of women and men who have fled Afghanistan, Somalia or Sudan hoping to find refuge in Europe. After months or even years on the road, they arrive in Greece, a country whose population is facing the full brunt of the economic crisis and where the asylum and reception systems are completely dysfunctional. Most people see no option but to take to the road again in the hope of reaching a country that can receive them and consider their claim for asylum. But, once they have entered Greece, it is extremely difficult if not impossible to leave the country given the European policies that legally bind them to Greece.

Watch the documentary here.

This documentary is the fruit of the cooperation between European Council on Refugees and Exhiles, the Greek Forum for Refugees and the film maker Matthias Wiessler, and supported by the European Programme for Integration and Migration (EPIM).


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