EWL News

EWL addresses French cosmetics companies on representation of women in advertising

[Brussels, 09 October 2012] EWL Communications and Media Officer, Leanda Barrington-Leach, yesterday addressed approximately 80 representatives of the cosmetics industry in France on the subject of the representation of women in advertising and the impact on women’s rights and gender equality.

The Fédération des Entreprises de la Beauté (FEBEA) on 02 October adopted the Charter and Guiding Principles on Responsible Advertising and Marketing Communication published by their EU-level trade body, Cosmetics Europe, in June 2012. The EWL was pleased to be engaged in the consultative process for this Charter and following its adoption issued a Statement on Self-Regulation of Advertising by the Cosmetics Industry praising the move and calling for strict implementation and enforcement.

The Statement read:

“The EWL calls for the due adoption of the principles at national level, but is aware that the prominence and power of SROs varies greatly across the EU and that effective action by these bodies to uphold women’s rights is rare. The EWL calls on the cosmetics industry to advocate strong and publicly visible SROs, with effective sanctioning powers, to ensure the credibility of self-regulation. In addition, the EWL calls on the individual members of Cosmetics Europe to promote their commitment to this Charter and Guiding Principles on their advertising and marketing materials, and put in place easy-to-use public complaints and follow-up procedures.”

The EWL presentation and resource tool on this topic is available here in:


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