EWL News

Getting ready for One Billion Rising Brussels Europe: 14 February 2014!

[Brussels, 23 January 2013] One Billion Rising Brussels Platform has met this week to keep working on the organisation of the event that will take place on the 14 February 2014 in Brussels, in front of the Palais de Justice.

The European Women’s Lobby (EWL) works hand to hand with its Belgian members, le Conseil des Femmes Francophones de Belgique (CFFB) and the Nederlandstalige Vrouwenraad (NVR) in the organisation of this extraordinary Brussels event of the One Billion Rising Global Campaign. Fight Back, a new belgian organisation to fight for and defend the rights of rape-victims, took also part at the meeting this week. A lot of ideas were shared with the aim to make this event something extraordinary!

On 14 February 2014, we plan to bring together an excited crowd in front of the Palais de Justice in Brussels to rise, release and dance. There will be live music, a band and acrobats, and we will sing and dance on EWL song "Rise up! Stand Up!". We will also speak out about the urgent need for justice and support for the women victims of violence through a symbolic action of bringing testimonies of victims of violence to the Justice Palace.

“Justice begins when we speak, release, and acknowledge the truth in solidarity and community. The ONE BILLION RISING FOR JUSTICE is an invitation to break free from confinement, obligation, shame, guilt, grief, pain, humiliation, rage, and bondage.”

If you want to participate in making the heart of Europe beat for justice and be part of this amazing worldwide campaign, JOIN US!!

Date: 14.02.2014
Time: 12h-14h
Place to be: in front of Palais de Justice, Place Poelaert, 1000 Bruxelles

Confirm your participation and share the facebook event

Hashtags #OBRussels14 #rise4justice, #reasontorise


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