EWL News

MEPs give prostitution at sporting events the red card in support of EWL campaign

[Brussels, 01 June 2012] On 30 May, 17 Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) from nine countries and all political groups gathered together in Brussels in support of the European Women’s Lobby’s action against prostitution around sporting events. In a message to athletes, officials, fans, journalists and decision-makers ahead of the London Olympics and the UEFA European Football Championships in Poland and Ukraine, the MEPs held up red cards which read ‘Be a sport. Keep it fair… Say NO to prostitution.’

This action is part of EWL campaign ‘Together for a Europe free from prostitution’ which aims at raising awareness on prostitution as a form of violence against women and at engaging decision-makers at national and European level towards policies abolishing the system of prostitution. As part of its campaign, the EWL developed various outreach tools, such as its thought-provoking video clip ‘For a Change of Perspective’. For its event on prostitution at sporting events, the EWL unveiled a new awareness raising tool, the video clip ‘Sport, Sex and Fun’, which questions the links between sport and prostitution and challenges the tolerance for prostitution around sporting events.

During the event in the EP, participants could get a picture of themselves holding up EWL red card. Watch the first photos here! Would you want to be part of this action, please send us a picture of yourself holding up a red card, and sign EWL pledge!

Many journalists attended the event, and there is already some press coverage:

Download EWL press release here and EWL red card in English and in French.

Click here to read EWL Press briefing ‘Be a sport. Keep it fair... Say NO to prostitution’. No excuse for prostitution at sporting events, 29 May 2012.

EWL video clip ’Sport, Sex & Fun’ in English

Clip vidéo du LEF ’Sport Sex & Fun’ en français


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