One Billion Rising: EWL Members mobilise all around Europe!
[Brussels, 01 February 2013] The Members of the European Women’s Lobby are mobilising to participate to One Billion Rising all over Europe and rise to say NO to violence against women!
All throughout the continent, Europeans are going to dance, sing and enjoy festive events to show their support against this massive violation of women’s human rights.
In Croatia and in all the Balkan Region, mobilisation is feverish. A big event is being organised in Zagreb, Slavonski Brod and Banja Luka.
UNDP Zagreb, promoting the campaign "Men against violence", also joined the campaign and invited men to rise and say NO to violence against women.
EWL’s vice president Rada Boric invited Croatian audience to rise, strike and dance in an event organised by women’s groups, different civil society gropus, including people with disability, UNDP Croatia, singers, bends, dances. One Billion Rising Croatia will join president of Croatia Mr Ivo Josipovic who will be leading group of men against VAW. Watch the video here.
More info on what is going on in Croatia and the Balkans can be found on Facebook
In Spain, EWL coordination CELEM has organised a photo campaign against violence against women: people are taking pictures with a sheet explaining why they want to rise on 14 February. The photos must be sent to or to CELEM Facebook page. With all the pictures gathered, a video will be prepared to show Spanish people’s support against violence against women. More info is available here
In Ireland, several festive manifestations are foreseen, including in Dublin, Galway and Ennis. Flashmobs and dances will lighten up the day throughout the country! For more info on One Billion Rising in Ireland, you can visit the OBR Ireland Facebook page. For more info on the event in Dublin, click here.
Are you willing to know which is the event nearest to your place? Visit One Billion Rising Website and join one bilion other women and men all around the world!