EWL press coverage

Press coverage newspapers icon Copies of some of the press coverage our work has received.

  • Press coverage highlights 2018

    Press coverage highlights 2018

    [Brussels, 25 February 2019] Some of the press, media moments of the past year.
    EU must lead on gender equality in Green World UK, 28 February 2018 Read more http://greenworld.org.uk/article/eu-must-lead-gender-equality
    The EU, #metoo and Gender Equality by ARENA Centre for European Studies, 7 March 2018 Read more https://www.sv.uio.no/arena/english/about/news-and-events/news/news-2018/interview-women-s-day-2018.html
    Party poopers? Brussels plans to ban balloon sticks in POLITICO, 27 (...) Read more

  • Press coverage highlights of 2017

    Press coverage highlights of 2017

    As 2017 draws to a close, here we reflect on some of the major moments of the past year.
    January Lights for Rights! Brussels Women’s March / Candlelight rally
    Thousands of women gathered for their rights and in order to say no to Donald Trump! #WomensMarch
    Full article on Europe & Me Magazine here. Putting More Women on a Path to Political Power
    “The obsession with austerity across Europe has been (...) Read more

  • Highlights coverage 2016

    Highlights coverage 2016

    L’entrepreneuriat féminin c’est bien ! Elle Belgique on our WEstart project 25 March 2016 by Béa Ercolini
    Selon une étude du Lobby européen des femmes, les femmes sont plus nombreuses et plus créatives dans l’entrepreneuriat social. Ça vous étonne?...
    Read the article in French on elle.be Ladies, united we lobby 19 April 2016 Strengthening women’s movements and creating alliances with other organizations. But also understanding the power within ourselves. The European Women‘s Lobby and its (...) Read more

  • Domestic Violence in Europe is an Epidemic

    [Brussels, 2 December 2015]
    In an interview on femicide in Malta and Europe, Joanna Maycock, Secretary General of the EWL, told the Times of Malta that domestic violence and killings, which are related to domestic violence, are an epidemic in Europe. She stressed that violence against women is a structural and pervasive strategy to maintain men’s control over women’s lives and bodies but that it is increasingly difficult to keep violence against women on the European agenda.
    Read the full (...) Read more

  • Welcoming the 50/50 quota for judges at the European court of justice

    [Brussels, 9 November 2015] In the context of the EP amendment to the new law regulating the number of judges at the European court for justice, which calls for the implementation of a 50/50 quota for judges, Joanna Maycock, Secretary General of the EWL, told the Austrian Broadcasting that in times like these, where Europe’s democracy and values are questioned from many sides, it’s more important than ever to bring more women in leading positions. She also said that institutions, which are de (...) Read more

  • In favour of a European Maternity leave

    In favour of a European Maternity leave

    Mary Collins, socio-economic Policy officer at EWL raises the issue of maternity leave in today’s Alternative Economics. The EWL requires unified maternity rights for all women in Europe. A directive on the matter was proposed in 2008 and has been up for discussion in the EU institutions but alongside with the economic crises the directive was blocked. Read the article in FRENCH (...) Read more

  • Maternity leave decision is ’huge step backwards’

    Pierre Baussand and Joanna Maycock explain why they disagree with the European commission’s decision to scrap the maternity leave directive.
    On July 15 the commission announced to the parliament that they will withdraw their proposal for an improved maternity leave directive because it has not made progress in two years.
    This action goes against the political will of the Italian EU presidency, the European parliament and civil society organisations including the Social Platform, the (...) Read more

  • Europa wählt - und die Frauen?

    Europa wählt - und die Frauen?

    Europa wählt - und die Frauen?
    Am 25 Mai wählt Europa ein neues Parlament. Hingehen! Denn: Aus Brüssel und Straßburg kommen heute wichtige Impulse und Gesetze zur Gleichstellung. Und die bringen die heimischen Paschas auf Trab. Treibende Kraft: die European Women’s Lobby. Die Lobby der Frauen in Brüssel.
    Geht es um Frauenpolitik, heißt es oft: Frauen haben keine Lobby. Das stimmt nicht. In einem Büro in der Brüsseler Rue Hydraulique sitzt sie, die Lobby: die European Women’s Lobby (EWL). Eine (...) Read more

  • Viviane Teitelbaum s’inquiète des attaques contre les droits reproductifs et sexuels des femmes en Europe

    Viviane Teitelbaum s'inquiète des attaques contre les droits reproductifs et sexuels des femmes en Europe

    [Bruxelles, le 28 avril 2014] Le 23 avril 2014, Viviane Teitelbaum, présidente du Lobby Européen des Femmes (LEF), participait à l’émission belge Panik sur la ville, sur le droit des femmes à mettre fin à une grossesse non désirée en Belgique et en Europe. Obtenu de haute lutte, ce droit est aujourd’hui menacé dans de nombreux pays, soulignant une fois de plus la fragilité des droits de femmes et la nécessité de lutter pour les maintenir.
    Viviane Teitelbaum le rappelle, le mois de décembre a été un « (...) Read more



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