
Reports magnifying glass simple EWL in-depth analysis reports provide a solid basis for policy advocacy on gender equality in Europe.

  • Disrupting the continuum of violence against women and girls

    Disrupting the continuum of violence against women and girls

    [Brussels, 15 May 2018] Despite progress over the last decades on equality between women and men, there is not a single country in the world where women and girls are free from male violence, and there is not a single area in any woman’s life where she is not exposed to the threat or reality of acts of male violence. One in three women in the EU, or 62 million women, has experienced physical and/or sexual violence since the age of 15.
    That is why the European Women’s Lobby created this (...) Read more

  • EmpowerMAP: Better Data, Stronger Partnerships, More Impact for Women

    EmpowerMAP: Better Data, Stronger Partnerships, More Impact for Women

    [Brussels, 26 February 2018] We are proud to present you EmpowerMap—a joint project of the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) and the Orange Foundation.
    The goal of the project was to gather information about grassroots women’s organisations in Spain, France, Romania and Poland which have on-the-ground programmes aimed at the socio-economic empowerment of vulnerable women.
    In response to this need for information, this six-month project provided a mapping of the needs of vulnerable women and the (...) Read more

  • EWL Lobbying kit for the nomination of 5 new GREVIO experts

    EWL Lobbying kit for the nomination of 5 new GREVIO experts

    [Brussels, 6 February 2018] The European Women’s Lobby (EWL) has launched a Lobbying kit for a transparent process of nomination of 5 new independent experts to the Group of Experts on Action against Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (GREVIO); the panel of independent experts responsible for monitoring the implementation of the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence, the Istanbul Convention.
    In consultation with the (...) Read more

  • Read and share! #HerNetHerRights Resource Pack & Report

    Read and share! #HerNetHerRights Resource Pack & Report

    [Brussels, 5 January 2018] The European Women’s Lobby reminds you of the #HerNetHerRights Resource Pack and Report on online violence against women and girls.
    From April to November 2017, the European Women’s Lobby has led this six-month project that aims at analysing the current state of online violence against women and girls in Europe. In order to raise awareness on the problem, the EWL has brought together diverse actors from across Europe to come up with innovative solutions and policy (...) Read more

  • 18 myths on prostitution - In English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Norwegian, Hungarian and now Portuguese, Greek and Lithuanian!

    18 myths on prostitution - In English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Norwegian, Hungarian and now Portuguese, Greek and Lithuanian!

    [Update October 2017] In 2014, in the framework of its campaign ‘Together for a Europe free from prostitution’, and at the eve of the vote of the EP resolution on gender equality and prostitution (Honeyball resolution), the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) has developed a leaflet answering to the most frequent assumptions on prostitution. 18 myths are therefore looked at from a gender equality and women’s rights perspective. From “It is the oldest profession in the world” to “We must combat (...) Read more



    [2 June 2016] New publication unveils #womensvoices recommendations on preventing and combating violence against refugee women and girls on the move. “From conflict to peace? Women’s and girls’ voices on the move” is a five-month project partnering the European Women’s Lobby and the Women’s Refugee Commission (WRC) and aiming to raise awareness on the situation of women and girls refugees in Europe.
    Women and girls fleeing conflicts and travelling to or settling in Europe are at higher risk of (...) Read more

  • WEstart - Mapping women’s social entrepreneurship in Europe report & mini-reports

    WEstart - Mapping women's social entrepreneurship in Europe report & mini-reports

    [Brussels, 24 September 2015] On the webiste of the WEstart project, please find the first database of women-led social enterprises in Europe.
    WEstart Database
    The WEstart Database contains information about 1,000 women-led social enterprises in 10 EU countries: Bulgaria, France, Hungary, Germany, Lithuania, Ireland, Italy, Spain, Sweden, and the UK. Search by country, browse by sector, or find a specific woman-led social enterprise.
    Looking for advice, (...) Read more

  • European Women’s Voice: Women’s Economic Independence in Times of Austerity

    [Brussels, 26 January 2015] The European women’s Lobby is launching the first publication of the year.
    Read about how women are affected by austerity measures around Europe and discover creative, feminist, economic models that can provide solutions.
    Gather your friend(s) and #PlayTheGame at the end of the publication to get an idea of the life of a women hit by austerity measures.
    Read it here:
    Download it (...) Read more

  • From Words to Action - Beijing+20 Report

    From Words to Action - Beijing+20 Report

    [Brussels, 14 October 2014] The EWL has launched its Beijing+20 report “1995-2015: From Words to Action” which assesses the implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action in Europe, 20 years after its adoption by the international community.
    Adopted two years after the 1993 Vienna World Conference on Human Rights, the Beijing Platform for Action aimed to bring into light the structural inequalities and human rights violations faced by all women and girls on the planet, and setting the (...) Read more



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