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« honour related violence »
Articles (2048)
- EWL calls for the swift adoption of a robust Directive that includes the criminalisation of rape
- Equality Model Now!
- Monumental week for women’s rights!
- Sex without freely given consent is rape
- Meet Iliana Balabanova, EWL’s new President!
- Calling all Young Feminists! Apply now for EWL’s AGORA Summer Camp!
- A busy weekend for women’s rights - 100 feminist activists gather in Brussels
- Historic decision of the Council on the EU accession to the Istanbul Convention
- Historic vote in the European Parliament on the EU accession to the Istanbul Convention: a step closer towards the end of violence against women and girls in Europe!
- European Women’s Lobby at CSW67
- One year after: Europe needs a strong Directive to combat violence against women NOW!
- The Swedish Women’s Organisation launches a new campaign against sex trafficking during the Swedish presidency of the EU
- Joint Statement in support of the Istanbul Convention
- Time to deliver: Recognise rape as sexual exploitation at EU level
- The EWL’s Statement on Iran
- Towards Equality: calling on the EU to legislate against all forms of violence against women and girls, including prostitution and sexual exploitation
- Olga Rudenko, Editor-in-Chief at Kyiv Independent, wins Woman of Europe Award
- Time to Deliver!
- Joint Statement on Surrogacy
- Diplomats Urge Governments to Include Women in Peace Process