Organisations membres sympathisantes

Supporting Member Organisations

Supporting members of EWL are organisations committed to supporting the aims and objectives of the EWL. Supporting membership is open to women’s organisations that agree with the aims, values and mission of the EWL. They can also be the women’s sections of NGOs/CSOs or mixed organisations that have women’s rights and gender equality as one of their primary objectives. Supporting member organisations can attend our General Assembly as observers but they do not have the right to vote nor to present candidates to the governing bodies of the EWL. Supporting members can also attend conferences organised by EWL at their own expense, and receive our newsflash and other updates. Supporting members pay an annual membership fee of 125 euros.

EWL currently has 5 supporting member organisations across Europe, listed below.


European Blind Union

EBU works towards an accessible and inclusive society with equal opportunities for blind and partially sighted people to fully participate in all aspects of social, economic, cultural and political life.

Address :
6, rue Gager Gabillot
75015 Paris
Tel : +33 1 47 05 38 20
Fax : +33 1 47 05 38 21

Email :
Website :
Facebook :
Twitter :


Albanian Women’s Empowerment Network

Albanian Women’s Empowerment Network (AWEN) is a non-profit organisation working together with a network of 10 member organisations to protect, uphold and realise women’s human rights in Albania. AWEN’s aim is to work together to empower girls and women socially, economically and politically to participate and realise their rights throughout Albania. Their main areas of work are focused on violence against women and girls, socio-economic empowerment of women and girls and participation of women in politics and decision-making.

Address :
Vaso Pasha, B.16/1, 2nd floor,
1001 Tirana

Email : and
Website :
Facebook :


Centre d’Information et de Documentation Femmes - Fraen an Gender

Management of a library, elaboration and management of cultural and socio-political projects and the promotion of equal rights. A place for anyone interested in feminism, gender issues and equality between women and men who oppose stereotypical gender roles.

Address :
14, rue Beck
L - 1222 Luxembourg
Tel : +352 24 10 951
Fax : +352 24 10 95 95

Email :
Facebook :
Website :


The Kosovo Women’s Network

The Kosovo Women’s Network (KWN) is a network of approximately 158 diverse women’s rights organisations in Kosovo, founded in 1996. Its mission is to support, protect and promote the rights and the interests of women and girls throughout Kosovo, regardless of their political beliefs, religion, age, level of education, sexual orientation and ability. KWN fulfills its mission through the exchange of experience and information, partnership and networking, research, advocacy, and service.

Address : St. Kadri Gjata (prev. Feriz Blakçori), II floor, no. 8, Prishtina, Kosovo
Email :
Website :
Facebook : Kosova Women’s Network


National Council of Women of Malta

The National Council of Women provides a forum for women of different backgrounds and experiences to come together as individuals and as representatives of affiliated organizations to exchange information and ideas, formulate policy, educate and promote change in society. It provides opportunities for education and training for women and men from all walks of life.

Address :
Pope Pius XII Flats, Mountbatten Street
MT – HMR 1579 – Blata I-Bajda
Tel : +356 21 248881
Fax : +356 21 246982

Email : and
Website :
Facebook :


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