Action Coalitions

  • EWL at the Generation Equality Forum in Paris: shaping the way forward for equality

     EWL at the Generation Equality Forum in Paris: shaping the way forward for equality

    From 30 June to 2 July 2021, the governments of France and Mexico together with UN Women organised the Generation Equality Forum, a global event to mark the 25th anniversary of the Beijing declaration and platform for action.
    The Generation Equality Forum (GEF) - initially foreseen for 2020, but unfortunately disrupted by the pandemic - has been a high moment of commitments towards enhancing equality between women and men, in particular through the six Action Coalitions gathering CSOs, (...) Read more

  • Action Coalition on Gender-Based Violence Statement Ahead of the International Day of Zero Tolerance for FGM, 6 February 2021

    Action Coalition on Gender-Based Violence Statement Ahead of the International Day of Zero Tolerance for FGM, 6 February 2021

    Ahead of the International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation, 6 February 2021, the Co-leaders of the Generation Equality Forum Action Coalition on Gender-Based Violence reaffirmed their commitment to end Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), and all forms of gender-based violence (GBV), around the world.
    Women and girls in all their diversity have the right to the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health, to live free from violence, and all deserve the ability (...) Read more

  • EWL is a leader of the Action Coalition on Gender-Based Violence

    EWL is a leader of the Action Coalition on Gender-Based Violence

    [Brussels, June 2020] The European Women’s Lobby is very happy and honoured to have been selected as one of the leaders of the Action Coalition on Gender-Based Violence, as part of the Generation Equality process. This is a powerful recognition of our collective work, and our long-standing engagement in advancing the human rights of women and girls in Europe. We are committed to achieving concrete actions towards the eradication of Violence Against Women and Girls, in line with EWL’s values (...) Read more

  • CSW 2020: EWL meets UN Secretary General

    CSW 2020: EWL meets UN Secretary General

    [Brussels, 2 April 2020] UN Secretary General António Guterres confirms his commitment to women and girls’ rights and equality between women and men.
    The coronavirus – COVID-19 - had not yet swept across the world at the time when the EWL delegation, headed by Vice President Ana Sofia Fernandes with Mary Collins, EWL Senior Policy and Advocacy Coordinator, Alexandra Silva from the Portuguese Platform for Women’s Rights, EWL national coordination, and Hafi Karsdóttir, from EWL member (...) Read more


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