
  • Information on the successful event organised in Riga by the the Women’s NGOs Cooperation Network of Latvia

    Information on the successful event organised in Riga by the the Women's NGOs Cooperation Network of Latvia

    To mark the International Human Rights Day, on the 10th December, the Women’s NGOs Cooperation Network of Latvia organised a Roundtable discussion in Riga with the parliamentarians representing diverse political spectrum. The discussion was organized in an interactive way identifying the current state and desired state, obstacles and drafting an action plan together with the representatives of national coordination of European Women’s Lobby in Latvia.
    Furthermore, on the week from December (...) Read more

  • 10 Dec, Riga, Latvia

    10 Dec, Riga, Latvia

    1/Week commencing November 25th – video address by our Minister of Welfare Ilze Vinkele to a public and placed in social media
    Video address by Undersecretary of State of Ministry of Legal Affairs who are now in charge of legislation change and placed on the website of ministry and social media
    2/Week commencing December 2nd – daily flashmobs in partnership with radio stations of Latvia
    3/ On the 10th December: Roundtable dicussion with politicians, memebrs of parliament, minsitry (...) Read more


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