
Reports magnifying glass simple EWL in-depth analysis reports provide a solid basis for policy advocacy on gender equality in Europe.

  • Women’s Watch 2012-2013

    European Women’s Lobby publishes feminist overview of women’s rights and gender equality in Europe!
    The European Women’s Lobby is pleased to introduce its latest publication Women’s Watch 2012-2013, a feminist overview of women’s rights and gender equality in Europe.
    This publication is the first of its kind – a genuinely feminist appraisal of the situation on the ground in 30 European countries with regards to women’s rights and gender equality, judged by the yardstick of the European Women’s (...) Read more

  • 2013 EWL Barometer on Rape - Report

    2013 EWL Barometer on Rape - Report

    The European Women’s Lobby is pleased to unveil its 2013 Barometer on Rape in Europe.
    Thanks to the work and expertise of the experts to the EWL Observatory on violence against women, the EWL has produced a strong policy document analysing the incidence of Rape in Europe.
    The Barometer is a very important tool to get a European overview of national actions on violence against women and compare European countries with regards to their commitment to eradicate such violence.
    In a year that (...) Read more

  • Ticking Clocks - Alternative 2012 Country-Specific Recommendations to strenthen women’s rights and gender equality in the Europe 2020 Strategy (September 2012)

    Ticking Clocks - Alternative 2012 Country-Specific Recommendations to strenthen women's rights and gender equality in the Europe 2020 Strategy (September 2012)

    [Brussels, 11 January 2013] The EWL is pleased to announce the publication of the first edition of its “Ticking Clocks” report, which aims to provide input for the European Commission annual drafting of recommendations to the Member States in socio-economic policies. The report has been drafted with the input of the EWL’s member organisations and is the first of many as the EWL continues to monitor, assess and propose recommendations to strengthen women’s rights and gender equality in the (...) Read more

  • The Price of Austerity: The Impact on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality in Europe (Oct 2012)

    The Price of Austerity: The Impact on Women's Rights and Gender Equality in Europe (Oct 2012)

    [Brussels, 14 November 2012] The findings of the EWL study, The price of austerity – the impact on women’s rights and gender equality in Europe , reveal that while austerity measures are hurting women, men, girls and boys across the European Union (EU), women are particularly hit the hardest. Because public sector employment and public services concern women to a far greater extent than men, any change in the public sector will impact on women more. Austerity measures that seek to reduce (...) Read more

  • European Women’s Voice - Her Future: Intergenerational solidarity from a gender equality perspective (April 2012)

    We are proud to share with you the Spring 2012 edition of the EWL’s magazine European Women’s Voice! This issue is dedicated to discussing intergenerational solidarity from a gender equality perspective and it is the EWL’s contribution to the ongoing European Year on Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations.
    Until now, gender equality issues have not been at the core of the European debate on active ageing and solidarity between generations. The third edition of the European Women’s (...) Read more

  • ‘Equal Rights. Equal Voices. Migrant women’s integration in the labour market in six European cities: A comparative approach’ (2012)

    ‘Equal Rights. Equal Voices. Migrant women's integration in the labour market in six European cities: A comparative approach' (2012)

    [Brussels, 05 April 2012] Targeted national and local policies make a difference in integrating migrant women to the labour market, reveals a new study by the European Women’s Lobby and the European Network of Migrant Women. These policies include, among other things, developing efficient systems for recognition of qualifications obtained by migrant women in third countries and the possibility of top-up training opportunities for those lacking certain competencies.
    The study points out that (...) Read more

  • Women on Boards in Europe: From a Snail’s Pace to a Giant Leap? (2012)

    [Brussels, 29 February 2012] Decisive intervention makes a difference in increasing the representation of women in company boards, reveals the European Women’s Lobby’s new report on progress, gaps and good practice as regard to women on boards in Europe.
    The report, entitled ‘Women on Boards in Europe – From a Snail’s Pace to a Giant Leap?’ assessess the current situation and progress in ten European countries. It provides a comprehensive overview of the measures adopted in the recent years at (...) Read more

  • Lobbying Kit - EU Directive on the right to family reunification in Europe: What is at stake for migrant women? (January 2012)

    [Brussels, 18 January 2012] In the context of the European Commission public consultation on the right to family reunification, the European Network of Migrant Women and the European Women’s Lobby have launched a lobbying campaign that calls for gender-sensitive EU policies on family reunification.
    The ENoMW and the EWL have produced a Lobbying Kit that helps organisations and individuals to get involved. The Lobbying Kit provides useful background information, and it offers several tools (...) Read more

  • European Women’s Voice - Autumn 2011: ‘The other half of gender: feminism and men’s role in achieving equality’ (December 2011)

    [Brussels, 23 December 2011] In October 2011, the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) organised an inaugural seminar on the topic of men and feminism, which provided a forum for reflection on masculinities, anti-feminism, initiatives of feminist men and equality policies involving men. The aim of the seminar was to update ourselves on current thinking and action concerning men’s role in the struggle for gender equality, and to consider how we can work together to bring about a society founded upon (...) Read more

  • Her Future... What’s it worth to you? (November 2011)

    The EWL is delighted to announce the launch of its latest publication: ‘Her Future... What’s it worth to you?’. This report highlights the range of activities undertaken by the EWL and its members at local, regional, national, European and international levels over 2010-2011 and appeals for support for the cause of women’s rights and gender equality in Europe. Please consider what these values are worth to you and support the work of the EWL by becoming a Friend of the EWL and joining in our (...) Read more



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