11 December - Law Lunch Online- State of Play EU Directive on VAW

LAW Lunch Online- 11/12 on the State of play of the negotiations on the Directive on VAWG

LAW Lunch Online 2

11.12.2023 at 1pm CET

EWLA and EWL invite to a EWLA Law Lunch Online on the state of play of the negotiations on the proposed Directive on combating violence against women and domestic violence (’VAW Directive’)

Moderated by Eliana Zatschler, Secretary General of European Women’s lawyers Association.

  • Margarete Hofmann, former VP of German Women Lawyers Association (djb) and former VP of EWLA
  • Irene Rosales, Policy and Campaigns Officer at the European Women’s Lobby, responsible for coordinating the campaign on the VAW Directive.

Link to join

Meeting ID: 692 9420 2631

Margarete Hofmann, former VP of German Women Lawyers Association

Margarete worked first in the German Federal Ministry of Justice and later in the European Commission in Brussels. Her last assignment was Director Investigations & Operations at the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF). Margarete was appointed Honorary Director-General of the European Commission in November 2021.

Margarete has been volunteering for gender equality and women’s empowerment as well as for European democracy and values for many years. She was Vice-President of German Women Lawyers Association (djb) (2011-2015) and Vice-President of EWLA (2015-2019). She is a member of the djb Expert Commission on European and International Law. She is also a member of the Advisory Board of Transparency International Germany and a member of Europa-Union Germany

Margarete will give us some updates from djb:

· Main points of djb legal opinion on VAW Directive

· Legal basis of the VAW Directive

· State of play of djb action to support the adoption of the proposed directive on VAW Directive

Irene Rosales, Policy and campaigns Officer at the European Women’s Lobby
She is responsible for coordinating the campaign on the EU Directive on violence against women and domestic violence.

She coordinates the EWL Observatory on Violence against women, which brings together a dynamic group of women from 32 countries in Europe (professionals, women’s rights defenders, front-line NGOs activists, etc.) and seven of EWL European wide members, with outstanding experience and expertise in different forms of male violence against women.

· Irene will share the elements of the Directive that are at stake and the EWL priorities and actions both at EU and national level.

· She will provide an analysis of the Council Positions on the article on the consent-based definition on rape and the response given that feminist legal experts are giving in this Open Letter on the EU legal basis and the article on rape, which is still open for signatures and signed already by more than 122 experts.

· Irene will also share the EWL analysis of the legal definitions on rape and the analysis of the added value of the Directive.


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