Supporting persons in prostitution

Supporting persons in prostitution

In its political demands, the EWL makes it clear that persons in prostitution should not be criminalised and should on the contrary be protected and offered alternatives and services to be able to decide to quit the system of prostitution.

Many organisations provide services to persons in prostitution, like accommodation, counseling, support. Some NGOs have developed programmes to help women to leave prostitution. Others are working on providing training to professionals (police, justice, health, education, etc.).

Projects have also tried to develop standards for such services, like the Nordic-Baltic Pilot Project.

Nordic-Baltic Pilot Project: Support and Assist Women Victims of Trafficking for Sexual Exploitation (2008)

A Pilot Project, including NGOs and government agencies from the eight Nordic and Baltic countries, working together to develop the best possible models to support and assist women who are trafficked, placing the needs of women at the centre of all activities.

More information here.

Nordic-Baltic Pilot Project: Trafficking in Women for Sexual Exploitation (2008)


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