They support us!

  • In this section

    Through its campaign, the European Women’s Lobby aims to bring the issue of prostitution back on the political agenda, both at national and European level, and in the public debate.
    This is why the EWL works at enlarging its network of ’supporters’, be they from the political world, the cultural world, or the business world, and including survivors.
    At European level, the EWL is working closely with many Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) and you will find here the names of the MEPs (...) Read more

  • Survivors

    Rosen Hicher
    Laurence Noëlle, author of the book “Renaître de ses hontes” (Ed. Le Passeur) (’To rise from the ashes of your shame’)
    Rachel Moran, author of the book “Paid for: my journey through prostitution” (Gill and Macmillan)
    Rachel Moran at Swedish event ’Stopping prostitution and trafficking’, 30 Sept. 2013 Read more

  • Members of the European Parliament

    53 MEPs support EWL campaign and the Brussels’ Call "Together for a Europe free from prostitution".
    Eva-Britt Svensson (former MEP, Sweden, GUE-NGL)
    "For me as a feminist, it is clear that prostitution is not compatible with a society fully embracing equality between women and men. We cannot be complacent with a reality in which a group of women, usually with significantly less resources and power, should be available for men to buy for sexual purposes. All women have the right to live (...) Read more

  • Supporters from the cultural world

    Patric Jean, film and documentary director, France
    "As a man, I consider prostitution as one of the bases of the masculine domination. Prostitution encapsulates all forms of violence, be they psychological, physical, economic, symbolic. The system of prostitution allows for the perpetuation of and support to archaic beliefs about male desire. It is a form of violence against all women. It will disappear."
    Frédérique Pollet Rouyer, film and documentary director, France
    "This morning, I got (...) Read more


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