
  • Report of the sucessful event in Lithuania

    Report of the sucessful event in Lithuania

    The Women’s Issues Information Centre organised a a half day seminar in Vilnius under the slogan "Seksualinio smurto prieš moteris kriminalizavimas. Stambulo konvencija". On the 25th November in Lithuania, Women’s Issues Information Centre organised a half day event at the Parliament under the slogan "Seksualinio smurto prieš moteris kriminalizavimas. Stambulo konvencija". Before the event, WIIC organized press conference in which the 16 days campaign in Lithuania was opened and the (...) Read more

  • 25 Nov, 10.45-14h, Vilnius, Lithuania

    25 Nov, 10.45-14h, Vilnius, Lithuania

    The Women’s Issues Information Centre will organise a half day seminar in the morning under the slogan "Seksualinio smurto prieš moteris kriminalizavimas. Stambulo konvencija". Vilnius.
    Event in facebook:
    Information in Lithuanian:
    Ar žinojote kas tik nuo 2% iki 10% visų seksualinio smurto atvejų pranešama atsakingoms institucijoms.
    Lietuvoje nėra užtikrinami net minimalūs Europos Tarybos standartai kovojant su seksualiniu smurtu prieš moteris. (...) Read more


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