EWL News

Conny Reuter re-elected president of the Social Platform

[Brussels, 07 April 2011] The General Assembly of the European Platform of Social NGOs (Social Platform), of which the EWL is a member, has elected a new Management Committee and welcomed three new full member organisations.

Conny Reuter, Secretary General of SOLIDAR, will start his second term as President of the Social Platform. Rodolfo Cattani, executive committee member of European Disability Forum, Michaela Moser, executive committee member of European Anti-Poverty Network, and Julien Dijol, Policy coordinator of CECODHAS Housing Europe were elected to join the Management Committee team as new members.

Social Platform Management Committee for 2011-2013

  • President: Conny Reuter (SOLIDAR)
  • Vice-Presidents: Heather Roy (Eurodiaconia) and Rodolfo Cattani (EDF)
  • Treasurer: Michel Mercadié (FEANTSA)
  • Ordinary Members: Catriona Williams (Eurochild), Michaela Moser (EAPN) and Julien Dijol (CECODHAS)

New full members of the Social Platform

  • Transgender Europe - TGEU
  • International Union of Tenants - IUT
  • Platform for International Cooperation on Undocumented Migrants - PICUM

The Social Platform was established in 1995 and brings together around forty European non-governmental organisations, federations and networks which are working to build an inclusive society and promote the social dimension of the European Union. EWL is a member of the Social Platform.

For more information, visit the Social Platform webpage. Pictures from the Social Platform general assembly are available here.

Photo by Mehran Khalili.


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