EWL News

EWL celebrates 20 years with big party, and a hot debate

[Brussels, 24 October 2010] On the evening of Friday 15 October, the EWL celebrated its 20 years with more than 350 guests at an evening event at Les Brigittines in Brussels. Organised around the theme of ’21st Century Feminism’, guests were invited to view the interpretations of young photographers from throughout Europe, to enjoy the European Premiere performance of two of Eve Ensler’s (author of The Vagina Monologues) new pieces from ’I Am an Emotional Creature’, to party with the feminist band The PushUps, and to have their say in the interactive debate at the talkaoke table.

See the photos of the event on flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/european_womens_lobby/sets/72157625216084202/

See the full video of the talkaoke:


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