European & International News

International news globe All the latest news from the European Union, its member states, and beyond.

  • Joint EU Trio Declaration on Equality between Women & Men

    Joint EU Trio Declaration on Equality between Women & Men

    [19 August 2017] One month ago, on 19 July 2017, the current presidency, Estonia, together with future presidencies - Bulgaria (latter part of 2017) and Austria (first semester 2018) adopted a joint trio Declaration on Equality between Women and Men in which they commit to placing gender equality high on the EU’s political agenda, including in discussions on the Future of Europe and the future EU’s Multi-Annual Financial Framework (MFF). For more details on the meeting, click here.
    The Trio (...) Read more

  • EU signs the Istanbul Convention and commits to end violence against women and girls

    EU signs the Istanbul Convention and commits to end violence against women and girls

    [Strasboug, 13 June 2017] Today, the EU sent a very strong political message on its commitment to end violence against women and girls by signing the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence, the Istanbul Convention. The Maltese Presidency and the European Commission, represented by Ms. Věra Jourová, Commissioner for Justice, Consumers and Gender Equality, signed the Istanbul Convention on behalf of the EU in Strasbourg.
    The (...) Read more

  • Mina Jaf speaks at UN Security Council debate on sexual violence in conflict

    Mina Jaf speaks at UN Security Council debate on sexual violence in conflict

    [New York, 15 May 2017] On 15 May 2017, the UN Security Council held an open debate on on "Sexual violence in conflict", where the NGO Working Group on Women, Peace and Security had the opoprtunity to express its views. It is Mina Jaf, Founder and Director of Women’s Refugee Route, who took the floor. Mina is also a member of the European Network of Migrant Women, and therefore of the EWL, and worked with us on our #womensvoices project about ending violence against refugee women and girls. (...) Read more

  • At CSW61, women’s organisations want the abolition of the system of prostitution to achieve women’s economic liberation

    At CSW61, women's organisations want the abolition of the system of prostitution to achieve women's economic liberation

    [New York, 21 March 2017] The 61st session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women took place in New York in March, under the theme of “Women’s economic empowerment in the changing world of work”, and with “the empowerment of Indigenous women” as emerging theme. Many events addressed the issue of prostitution and sexual exploitation, and promoted the Nordic Model as the best policy solution to achieve gender equality, end violence against women, deter trafficking and contribute to women’s (...) Read more

  • "Présenter la prostitution comme un travail, c’est légaliser l’exploitation sexuelle" - paroles de syndicats au Congrès international contre l’exploitation sexuelle des femmes et des filles (New Delhi, janvier 2017)

    "Présenter la prostitution comme un travail, c'est légaliser l'exploitation sexuelle" - paroles de syndicats au Congrès international contre l'exploitation sexuelle des femmes et des filles (New Delhi, janvier 2017)

    [Delhi, 31 janvier 2017] Lors du 2e Congrès international contre l’exploitation sexuelle des femmes et des filles, organisé par CAP International, une table ronde de syndicats a permis de mettre en évidence les prises de positions de syndicats de différents pays pour l’abolition du système prostitueur. Des représentant-e-s de France (CGT Femmes), Espagne (UGT), Inde (All India Trade Union Congress, All India Railway Men’s Association, National Hawkers Association, All India Hawker Women’s (...) Read more

  • "Prostitution is always exploitation" - statement of Sweden at the UN Security Council, 15 March 2017

    "Prostitution is always exploitation" - statement of Sweden at the UN Security Council, 15 March 2017

    [New York, 15 March 2017] The United Nations Security Council meeting of 15 March was dedicated to the issue of trafficking in human beings. Sweden, represented by Asa Regner, Minister for Children, the Elderly and Gender Equality, issued a strong statement (you can read it below) promoting the Nordic Model approach to prostitution and the need to have systematic gender-sensitive approach in all policies. The EWL congratulates her for her commitment and her political courage to bring the (...) Read more

  • European Investment Bank moves to support women’s rights: Towards a structural shift?

    European Investment Bank moves to support women's rights: Towards a structural shift?

    [Brussels, 3 February 2017. European Women’s Lobby and Action Aid shared blog]
    This week, the European Investment Bank (EIB) held its annual meeting with civil society in Luxembourg. It was the occasion for groups working on a wide range of issues to dialogue with Bank’s officials and the Board, calling for an end to support fossil fuels, effective consultation of local communities impacted by land-based investments, or to suggest further steps forward to advance women’s rights. The EIB (...) Read more

  • EU leaders need to take immediate action to save lives in Greece this winter

    EU leaders need to take immediate action to save lives in Greece this winter

    [Brussels 14 December 2016] Thousands of people are at risk this winter as the EU-Turkey deal keeps migrants, including refugees, stuck in dangerous and degrading conditions in Greece, a coalition of more than 30 humanitarian agencies and human rights organisations, among which the European Women’s Lobby, warn. The organisations most of which work with migrants in Greece, warn that women, children and men could die because of worsening winter conditions. EU leaders meeting in Brussels on (...) Read more

  • Kat Banyard’s book "Pimp State" discussed in Brussels

    Kat Banyard's book "Pimp State" discussed in Brussels

    [Brussels, 9 December 2016] The founder of UK Feminista, a feminist activist and writer, Kat Banyard was in Brussels on 7 and 8 December, and participated in two EWL activities. She was a guest at EWL FEMtalk, together with other feminist artists, and discussed the role of literature in her activism. She also presented her newly published book ’Pimp State’ at the European Parliament, during a breakfast meeting hosted by Malin Björk MEP.
    "In the sex industry, money is not coincidence, it is (...) Read more

  • Children cannot wait: 7 priority actions to protect all refugee and migrant children

    Children cannot wait: 7 priority actions to protect all refugee and migrant children

    [Brussels, 29 November 2016] Today, 78 organisations active in the field of children’s rights, deliver a joint statement calling for action to protect and guarantee refugee and migrant children’s rights. You can read the statement here.
    #Act4children #ChildRightsForum #UN4RefugeesMigrants #RefugeesWelcome #ChildrenCannotWait
    The signatories, including the EWL, the European Network of Migrant Women, and other women’s groups, strongly welcome that this year’s European Forum on the Rights of the (...) Read more



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