EWL News

Italy: EWL members launch debate on prostitution and violence against women, 21 March 2014, Milan

[Milan, 13 March 2014] In the framework of “Europe is for women”, an initiative of the European Parliament Office in Milan, LEF Italia and the European Women’s Lobby invite you to their conference "Prostitution and human rights: ending violence against women in Europe", on 21 March at the EP Office of Milan.

The conference will be dedicated to perspectives from Italy, France and Germany, with:

  • Maud Olivier, rapporteur of the French proposal of law on prostitution at the National Assembly
  • Beatrice Mariotti, Solwodi, Germany (NGO supporting victims of prostitution and sex trafficking)
  • Pierrette Pape, Acting Coordinator of the European Women’s Lobby (EWL)
  • Oria Gargano, Expert to the EWL Observatory on violence against women
  • Resistenza Femminista

A roundtable of Italian politicians, including Pia Locatelli, Member of the Italian Parliament (tbc) and a Member of the European Parliament (name tbc), will discuss ways forward in Italy, to address prostitution and sex trafficking.

While the European Parliament has adopted its resolution calling for the Nordic model, this event is a key opportunity for Italian decision-makers, public and media to gain knowledge and debate, keeping in mind the European and Italian values of gender equality and human rights.

Please register to coordinamento.lef.italia@gmail.com.

Download the flyer here.

poster italy 21 march


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