Social Policy & Employment

Real equality requires real choices

For the EWL, ensuring women’s economic independence is key to the promotion of gender equality. This includes integrating a strong gender equality dimension into European employment, poverty and social policies; working towards the elimination of sex-based discrimination in employment and pay; and making the link between paid and unpaid work. The issue of care, particularly lack of quality, accessible and affordable care services, is a barrier to women’s full participation in the labour-market; the EWL calls for the development of a care economy in the context of the EU 2020 Strategy, the future new European economic and social strategy.

For a comprehensive overview of the current situation in terms of women’s socio-economic position in the EU, and the most recent European policies in this area, see the chapter in the EWL’s Beijing+15 Report on Women and the Economy, as well as the chapter on Women and Poverty.


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