
25 Nov 14h-18h, Zagreb, Croatia

The Center for Women War Victims, ROSA organises a thematic session in cooperation of the Parliamentary Committee for Gender Equality, EWL and Women’s Network of Croatia.

The event will be held on 25th of November 2013, on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, in Croatian Parliament, Trgsv. Marka 6, in the hall Ivana Mažuranića (84), starting at 2pm.

The speakers of the thematic session will be: Nansi Tireli, president of the Parliamentary Committee for Gender Equality; Biserka Momčinović, co-coordinator of the Women’s Network of Croatia; Nela Pamuković, member of the EWL Observatory on Violence against Women; Deputy Minster Bojan Glavašević, from the Minstry of Defence; representative of the Minstry for Social Policy and Youth; Jasmina Papa, UNDP, Program Officer of the Program of Social Inclusion; Zlata Đurđević, professor on the Law Faculty in Zagreb;Ivana Radačić, member of the Parliamentary Committee for Gender Equality and feminist researcher in the Institute Ivo Pilar; Marijana Senjakfeminist psychologist and the rapist with 20 years of experiences in working with rape surivors; Sanja Bezbradica, legalc ounsellor in women’s NGOs; Adriana Bego and Stela Šimić, Centre for Women War Victims-ROSA.

The topics that will be discussed will be as follows: on how Croatian legislation is complaying with the CoE Convention on VAW, particularly criminal offences against sexual freedom in the new Penal Code with the provisions on rape in the Convention; on process of signing and ratifying of the Istambul Convention; on EWL and CoE action in 33 states, and EWL Barometer on Rape 2013 in 32 countries; on project of the Minstry of Defence in cooperation with UNDP in Croatia, on protection of war rape survivors in Croatia – particularly current creation of the Law on Protection of war rape survivors; on different aspects of legal solutions for gaining of the status of war rape survivor; on the situation and needs of women rape survivors: therapy, counselling, legal protection, compenstation etc.; on existing practices in court cases of rape; analysis on court cases of rape in marriage; presentation of the NGO campaigns such as I SIGN aimed the supporting of the process of ratification and implementation of Istambul Convention.

In addition The Centre for Women War victims will send information to media, and give interviews and public statements after the session and further on during 16 Days of Activism campaign. A street action is planned to be organised during 16 Days of Activisms to distribute leaflets with information on action Act Against Rape! Use Istambul convention!


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