Members News

One Billion Rising 2018

[Brussels 15 February 2018] Yesterday, as all over the world, our members were rising against violence against women and girls in the context of One Billion Rising, organised by V-Day. Find some impressions here.

Czech Republic Organised by Czech Women’s Lobby, Prague rose for the fifth consecutive year on the 14th of February. As in past years more than one hundred people danced in solidarity to end violence against women and girls!

One Billion Rising Prague

You can find the promotional video here and pictures here.

The event had a good media outreach which helped to raise awareness on the issue of violence against women. Several celebrities were involved at the event and made videos to draw attention to this important issue.
Young pupils (from 6 to 15 years old) engaged in the campaign and became part of the worldwide movement by joining the Video & Dance competition.

Strong partners supported the event, like the American embassy in Prague and the President of the Czech Police and the Mayor of Prague

More information (for now just in Czech) on their website:


EWL Portuguese Platform for Women’s Rights is developing an online campaigning to mark One Billion Rising 2018 and taking part in different events and actions carried out by the Platform and its members:

  • On 15 February organisation CooLabora, member of the EWL Portuguese Platform for Women’s Rights, with the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of the University of Beira Interior gathered students, professors and university staff to dance the Break the Chain. Further information here.
  • On 16 February the Portuguese Platform for Women’s Rights and its member organisation Association of Women Against Violence are organising a gathering in Lisboa with Claire McFarlane from Footsteps To Inspire - an initiative to support the survivors of sexual violence. Further information here. Claire McFarlane began running 16 kilometres of beach in every country of the world (230 countries) to support of survivors of sexual violence. It is called Footsteps To Inspire. Please watch her TEDx talk for more information:
  • On 17 February Portguese member organisation CooLabora is organising a walk in the city of Covilhã through several streets where violence against women and girls in the public space took place: sexual harassment, punching, murderer: . Further information here.

Around 400 persons were rising yesterday’s evening in Vienna/Austria. Despite the horrible weather conditions and the cold so many people came. The mood was great! Further information here.

Our members of the Deutscher Frauenrat joined the action at the Brandenburger Tor in Berlin.

One Billion Rising Berlin

Coming up soon in Cyprus:

1Billion Rising and the International Women’s Day in Cyprus

On Saturday, 10th of March 2018, at 12:00am, in Nicosia, let’s all rise in opposition to sexual violence against women and girls!
One Billion Rising 2018!

One Billion Rising is an event that takes place every year in hundreds of countries around the world and calls on everybody to raise their voices against any form of violence against women and girls. During the summer of 2017, a storm of complaints began with revelations by women who had been sexually harassed by Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein. Countless women all over the world “broke the silence” and shared their personal stories of sexual violence. These were women who had been victims of rape, or attempted rape, women who suffered sexual harassment at work or in social or family situation.

1 in 3 women in the world will experience physical, sexual or psychological violence in her life. This means that ONE BILLION WOMEN AND GIRLS who live today amongst us will be victims of violence.

We declare zero tolerance for sexual violence against women and girls and demand justice and appropriate conviction of the perpetrators.


Under the auspices of the Minister of Justice and Public Order.
With funding from the National Machinery of Women’s Rights.

this is our facebook event


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