• One Billion Rising 2017

    One Billion Rising 2017

    [Brussels 11 March 2017] This year, the European Women’s Lobby rose again in solidarity with women’s organisations and activists committed to end all forms of violence against women and exploitation of women and girls, by joining the global One Billion Rising (OBR) campaign organised by V-Day on February 14.
    OBR comes as a very timely advocacy action at EU level: the EU member states re-discussing the EU accession to the Istanbul Convention on violence against women (VAW); the European (...) Read more

  • Rising against the sexual exploitation of women & girls #1BillionRising

    Rising against the sexual exploitation of women & girls #1BillionRising

    [Brussels, 15 February 2017] On Tuesday 14 February, the EWL and its members from all over Europe rose to say no to the sexual exploitation of women and girls! Find everything about the action here! You can still rise!
    The 5th edition of One Billion Rising will be an opportunity to express our demands to see a world free from sexual exploitation and prostitution, from male violence and oppression. We will rise everywhere, through different actions: dance, demonstration, events... The EWL (...) Read more


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