
  • Hearing 9 December, Paris: "Access to Justice for Women Victims of Violence"

    Hearing on Access to Justice for Women Victims of Violence, of the Council of Europe Gender Equality Commission organised in partnership with the French Ministry of Women’s Rights
    Paris, France, 9 December 2013
    Access to justice is a human right and an integral element of promoting the rule of law.
    Access to suitable and effective judicial remedies is critical to combating violence against women, one of the worst forms of discrimination against women and a serious violation of human (...) Read more

  • Serbia ratifies the Istanbul Convention!

    On the 21 November 2013, Serbia became the eighth member state of the Council of Europe to ratify the Istanbul Convention.
    Congratulations to Women against Violence Network, Autonomous Women’s Centre and the Women’s European Lobby Network Serbia for their work pushing for the ratification of the Istanbul Convention. Read more

  • Study "Overview of the worldwide best practices for rape prevention and for assisting women victims of rape."

    [Brussels, 22 November 2013] The European Parliament has published recently a worldwide study on the best practices for prevention of rape and for protecting its victims. The study was requested by the EP’s Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality.
    Walby, Sylvia (et al) (2013): "[Overview of the worldwide best practices for rape prevention and for assisting women victims of (...) Read more

  • Bosnia and Herzegovina and Austria ratified the Istanbul Convention.

    (Brussels, 14.11.2013) Two countries have ratified the Istanbul Convention in the last 7 days: Bosnia Herzegovina (on the 07/11/2013) and Austria (on the 14/11/2013)!
    Only 3 more ratifications are needed for the Istanbul Convention to enter into fore!
    The implementation of the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence, the Istanbul Convention, will make a enormous difference in the eradication of violence against women as it (...) Read more

  • Campaign to highlight the phenomenon of Feminicides: The ratification of the Istanbul Convention is imperative to address Feminicide, says Cécile Gréboval.

    Campaign to highlight the phenomenon of Feminicides: The ratification of the Istanbul Convention is imperative to address Feminicide, says Cécile Gréboval.

    (Brussels, 23 October 2013) The European Civil Society Networks CIFCA and Grupo Sur and the Heirinch Böll Foundation have launched a campaign, supported by the EWL, that aims to give visibility to the phenomenon of Feminicide in Europe and Latin America and to end impunity for this brutal and extreme form of violence against women.
    According to a recent report by the UN Special Rapporteur on violence against women, the prevalence of different manifestations of gender-related killings is (...) Read more


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