Take action!

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    You can take action right now if you wish!
    If you are an individual, you can: Take the pledge! Join an NGO active in the campaign! Watch out for the current campaigns at national and European level Spread information and campaign tools Raise awareness around you Write to your Members of Parliament and Members of the European Parliament to call for the abolition of prostitution Write to your government to ask for the ratification of the UN 1949 Convention
    If you are an NGO, you can: Join (...) Read more

  • Contribute to the EWL campaign by sharing your advocacy and educational materials!

    Contribute to the EWL campaign by sharing your advocacy and educational materials!

    One aim of EWL campaign ’Together for a Europe free from prostitution’ is to give visibility to EWL member organisations and partner NGOs which work at national level towards the abolition of the prostitutional system. The webpage of the campaign will therefore display the many advocacy and educational materials produced by NGOs at national level, so that they can discover each other’s work and exchange information. So do not hesitate to send us your material, with a description of your NGO (...) Read more


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