
Romanian Women’s Lobby

The Romanian Women’s Lobby (RoWL)

The Romanian Women’s Lobby (RoWL) is an umbrella association representing the national co-ordination for the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) at Romanian national level, and includes Romanian NGOs dedicated to support women in all aspects of life. The organization was established in 5 September 2007 and became full member of the EWL starting 27 October 2007.

RoWL’s mission is to promote real and effective equality between women and men in all spheres of public and private life, throughout Romania and Europe, and its main objective is to foster a friendly environment for gender equality in Romania. The organization works to establish equality goals for Romania, advance EU policies that aim to strengthen Women’s Human Rights and Equality between women and men, and bring new women’s voices into the public debate on gender equality.

The Romanian Women’s Lobby

Creata la 5 Septembrie 2007 pentru a promova egalitatea intre femei si barbati in Romania si Europa si pentru potentarea politicilor UE destinate intaririi drepturilor femeii ca drepturi ale omului si egalitatii intre femei si barbati, Romanian Women’s Lobby (RoWL) a devenit Membru al European Women’s Lobby (EWL) din 27 Octombrie 2007.


  • Promovarea egalitatii reale si efective intre femei si barbati in toate sferele vietii publice si in spatiul privat in Romania si Europa.
  • Crearea unui mediu favorabil egalitatii de gen in Romania.
  • Promovarea politicilor europene privind intarirea drepturilor femeii ca drepturi ale omului si egalitatea intre femei si barbati.

Contact details:

Email: office[at]

Viticultori 5
Iasi, Romania
Tel: +40 744 376 605

Romanian Women’s Lobby
Romanian Women’s Lobby


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