Partner with the EWL

Partner with the EWL

Partnering with Us

As the leading women’s rights organisation in Europe with over 2,000 members across 31 countries, partnering with the EWL brings unprecedented access to the strongest network of millions of European women, leading policy makers at an EU and National Level, and the security of our 25-year reputation as the industry leader in women’s rights.

Types of Partnerships

Whether you are looking to support a campaign or event in one of our core areas, a project focused on a cross-cutting issue, or are looking to create a customized piece of work, the European Women’s Lobby has the expertise, experience and reputation to help you reach women, create gender equality impact, and create lasting and transformational change.

We seek partnerships with foundations, corporations, governments and individuals to support:

  • Our long-term campaigns
  • Specific campaign activities, eg. Reports, Fact Sheets, Working Groups
  • Small and Large events
  • Stand-alone projects
  • Our ongoing EU-level advocacy work

“Men and women use Sodexo services- the only way we can be successful as a
company is to ensure our staf diversity reflcts our customers. This is why we investin gender equality work: this is why we partner with the EWL.”

— Michel Croisé, President Sodexo Benelux (Project: Women on Boards)

Download our Partnership Brochure

Our key issues

Our work focuses on permanent core issues, which have been identified by our 2,000 members as areas of importance, as well as cross-cutting issues, which change each year.

Our Core Areas of Work

  • Enabling the Economic Empowerment of Women
  • Promoting Women’s Leadership in Business and Politics
  • Preventing and Responding to Violence Against Women and Girls
  • Ending Sexual Exploitation of Women and Girls
  • Calling Out and Stopping Sexism in the Media

Our Crosscutting Issues
Each year we work in a more limited and short-term way on one or two issues which cut across out main areas of work. Cross-cutting issues tend to vary on a yearly basis, as we respond to the changing social and political contexts around us.
Recent cross-cutting issues have included:

  • Amplifying the voices of Refugee Women
  • Ensuring Equality in a Digitalizing World
  • Mapping and Promoting Women’s Social Entrepreneurship
  • Supporting Feminist Movement Building
  • Promoting Diversity and Inclusion across Sectors

How we Create Change

The European Women’s Lobby works on an ongoing basis to lobby EU institutions to protect and promote women’s rights. Practically speaking, this means calling, e-mailing and meeting with policy makers and politicians, contributing to legislation, speaking at hearings, and monitoring changes in the political climate.

Each year, the European Women’s Lobby Secretariat in Brussels focuses its lobbying efforts by working on several major campaigns centering on our key areas of work. While campaigns can take different forms, each campaign usually includes:

  • targeted lobbying efforts focused at EU institutions, in collaboration with our EU members
  • national-level advocacy in collaboration with our national members
  • regular meetings in Brussels of working groups of EWL member experts
  • public events (panels, conferences, etc.)
  • policy-influencing via publication and dissemination of research, fact sheets, expert papers, or reports, and
  • awareness raising via social media campaigns, public speaking engagements, think pieces, and collaboration with press and media

In addition to our core campaigns, the EWL also undertakes a small number of concrete projects either related to our core issues, or focusing on a cross-cutting issue. These projects allow us to focus in a concrete way on a specific topic, pilot work on a new theme, or address a rapidly developing social or political situation (eg. An election, a crisis, etc.)


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