
Women’s Council in Denmark

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Women’s Council in Denmark

The Women’s Council in Denmark is an umbrella organisation for 45 organisations with a total of more than one million members. The Women’s Council member organisations are women’s organisations, the equal status committees of the political parties, trade unions, and professional women’s groups, migrant- and refugee women, women’s studies researchers, youth organisations, religious and humanitarian women’s organisations. Women’s Council works for women’s rights as well as social, professional, economic and cultural interests.

The object of The Women’s Council is to strengthen women’s rights and influence in society and create real equality between women and men. The Women’s Council represents member organisations as the co-ordination body in dealing with the government, the Parliament, public authorities, and so on, as well as in national and international organisations.


Kvinderådets arbejde er køns- og ikke partipolitisk.
Via udviklingen af en fælles politik ud fra en kvindesynsvinkel er det målet at fremme kvinders menneskerettigheder herunder forebygge vold mod kvinder, fjerne ulige løn og anden form for diskrimination på arbejdsmarkedet og sikre kvinder indflydelse i samfundets magtcentre.

Contact details:

E-Mail: kvr[at]

Niels Hemmingsens Gade, 10
DK - 1153 Copenhagen
T: +45 33 12 80 87

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