European & International News

V-Day season 2011 opens!

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On 1 February, V-Day’s 2011 season of events and campaigns started. From February 1 – April 30, from Peru to Armenia, over 1,450 colleges and communities will host V-Day benefit events raising funds and awareness to end violence against women and girls.

Events center around Eve Ensler’s ground breaking play The Vagina Monologues, but also include readings of V-Day’s anthology A Memory, Monologue, A Rant, and a Prayer and Any One of Us: Words from Prison, documentary film screenings of V-Day: Until The Violence Stops and What I Want My Words To Do To You, Haiti and Congo teach-ins and house parties, and V-Men Workshops.

Each 2011 event will shine a global spotlight on the atrocities women and girls in post-earthquake Haiti face, and V-Day’s work with women on the ground to end the violence.

Across Europe, over 90 events will take place during the 2011 V-Season, including the first ever performance with an all South Asian cast in London, UK; a trilingual South Caucasus event (in Georgian, Armenian, Azeri) in Tbilisi, Georgia; a performance at the Brussels Book Fair in Belgium, and multilingual performances in Frankfurt/Main and in Berlin; and many other community, college and high school events.

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V-Day 2011 Spotlight on Haiti

Each year V-Day increases awareness by focusing on a specific group of women in the world who are resisting violence with courage and vision. In 2011, V-Day’s Spotlight Campaign will be on the Women and Girls of Haiti. The Spotlight will highlight the high levels of violence against women and girls in Haiti, and will focus on the increased rates of sexual violence since the devastating earthquake that took place in January 2010.

All funds raised through the Spotlight Campaign will be used to support a revolutionary national campaign in Haiti lead by a coalition of women activists - including longtime V-Day activist Elvire Eugene - that will address sexual violence through art, advocacy, safe shelter and legal services.

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