Members News

  • Upcoming event: Women Empowerment Forum

    Upcoming event: Women Empowerment Forum

    [Brussels, 24 July 2015]
    Name: Women Empowerment Forum
    Date: 16 – 17 September 2015
    Location: Brussels, Belgium
    This two-day event focused on the business women in the top management will discuss the topics of women in corporate leadership, recruiting the top women, women leaders in emerging regions, empowering women through male engagement, social and societal aspects of empowered women and much more. Participants will have the opportunity to take part in two focused (...) Read more

  • Beijing + 20 Report "From Words to Action" Now Available in Hungarian

    Beijing + 20 Report "From Words to Action" Now Available in Hungarian

    [Brussels, Hungarian Women’s Lobby, 23 July 2015]
    Beijing + 20 Report "1995-2015: From Words to Action" is now available in Hungarian! Please follow the link here
    Már kapható a magyar fordítás! "Szavaktól a tettekig" Kövesse a linket itt.
    The report “1995-2015: From Words to Action” assesses the implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action in Europe, 20 years after its adoption by the international community. The Beijing Platform for Action aimed to bring into light the structural (...) Read more

  • The Seven Feminist Challenges of the Olympic Games

    The Seven Feminist Challenges of the Olympic Games

    [Paris, French Coordination for the European Women’s Lobby, 23 June 2015] On the eve of the 2016 Rio Olympics and while Paris is announcing its candidacy for the 2024 Olympics, the League of International Rights of Women and the French Coordination for the European Women’s Lobby, want to remind you that the Olympic Games are not a simple sports event like so many others, as Jacques Rogge, former President of the International Olympic Committee, has stressed.
    The Olympic Games are a specific (...) Read more

  • Legalisation of prostitution currently discussed in Italy

    Legalisation of prostitution currently discussed in Italy

    The Italian Senate is currently discussing a law proposal to regulate prostitution, known as the "Spilabotte bill" (by the name of one of the initiating senators, Democratic Party - PD).
    EWL Italian Coordination, LEF Italia, dialogues with political parties to bring the abolitionist argumentation into the discourse. On 22 June, Siusi Casaccia (President of LEF Italia) participated in the public meeting "Which model of society do we wish to build?", organized by the Milan municipality, with (...) Read more

  • EWL calls on Cypriot leaders to include women on an equal footing with men in peace negotiation

    EWL calls on Cypriot leaders to include women on an equal footing with men in peace negotiation

    [Brussels, 19 June 2015] In Cyprus, peace talks between the leaders of the Greek Cypriot and the Turkish Cypriot communities resumed on 15 May 2015, after a pause of seven months. The new climate seems quite positive and there are hopes of effective progress towards reconciliation in the country.
    This process, that the European Women’s Lobby welcomes and supports, has nevertheless so far excluded the adequate participation of women, and a gender perspective is patently lacking in the (...) Read more

  • Briefing Note on Central Europe, the Balkans and the Baltic States for the EU’s Equality Between Women and Men Strategy

    Briefing Note on Central Europe, the Balkans and the Baltic States for the EU's Equality Between Women and Men Strategy

    [Brussels, 5 June 2015] Please find here the first Briefing Note of the EWL Task Force or Central Europe, the Balkans and the Baltic States (CEBBS Task Force) with the regional priorities for advancing women’s rights and equality between women and men in the context of the new EC Equality Strategy Between Women and Men 2015-2020. Read more



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