EWL News

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  • The European Women’s Lobby is very pleased to announce the appointment of Mary Collins as Secretary General

     The European Women's Lobby is very pleased to announce the appointment of Mary Collins as Secretary General

    [Brussels, 20 February 2024] - The European Women’s Lobby (EWL) proudly announces the appointment since 1 December 2023 of Mary Collins to the position of Secretary General after a successful recruitment process. Mary brings a wealth of expertise and 30 years of experience in economic and social policies, along with a profound dedication to feminism and advocating for women’s rights.
    “When I first joined EWL 30 years ago, we were a team of four with a membership in 12 EU countries. I am so (...) Read more

  • Free training on preventing online violence against women for EU elections candidates

    Free training on preventing online violence against women for EU elections candidates

    The European Women’s Lobby offers women in politics training on online violence against women in view of the upcoming EU elections. Book your spot on 13 or 16 February!
    In light of the upcoming European elections, we are pleased to invite you to a one-day training session in Brussels. The purpose of this training is to enhance awareness surrounding online violence against women, with the goal of empowering female politicians and candidates participating in the upcoming European elections. (...) Read more

  • Letter to the Belgian Presidency regarding the Directive on combating violence against women

    Letter to the Belgian Presidency regarding the Directive on combating violence against women

    [26 January 2024, Brussels] Disappointed by the most recent developments in these last weeks of negotiations on the first-ever EU law to combat violence against women, the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) sent a letter to the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union.
    EWL members across Europe are outraged by the disgraceful decision of the Council of the EU, led by the Belgian Presidency, to persist in blocking a consent-based definition of rape (based on the standards of the (...) Read more

  • For COP28 the EWL demands mainstreaming gender equality in climate policies beyond finance

    For COP28 the EWL demands mainstreaming gender equality in climate policies beyond finance

    [Brussels, 23 November 2023] For COP28 the EWL calls upon EU and worldwide decision-makers to empower women and girls through climate change and environmental policies and to apply gender mainstreaming to those.
    This year’s COP28 mostly envisions focusing on gender equality in the framework of finance. A more efficient allocation of resources is indeed critical to ensure that women and girls equally benefit from the green transition. Gender budgeting is essential for such transition to (...) Read more

  • International Youth Day 2023 - Young Women Advocates for Human Rights, Participation and Social Justice

    International Youth Day 2023 - Young Women Advocates for Human Rights, Participation and Social Justice

    Young Women Advocates for Human Rights, Participation and Social Justice
    European Youth Centre Budapest 5-9 September 2022
    Twenty-nine young women from eleven countries took part in our Study Session on leadership and advocacy skills for young women. Two young women were external trainers; one was a previous study session participant, originally from Belarus, and the other, a young woman who is part of the #iwill movement. See what Grace wrote here.
    The context was the post-pandemic (...) Read more

  • International Youth Day 2023 - Voices of Young Women With Disabilities

    International Youth Day 2023 - Voices of Young Women With Disabilities

    What would you like the EU Commission and the Parliament to do for young persons with disabilities in the next mandate?
    The perspective of young women is central to the reply to this question. Tamara Byrne and Nina Portolan from the European Disability Forum’s Youth Committee have elaborated on this:
    Tamara: Fully Inclusive higher Education. I would like to see a system in place that allows young people with disabilities to access a fully inclusive higher education model. A fully (...) Read more

  • EWL calls for the swift adoption of a robust Directive that includes the criminalisation of rape

    EWL calls for the swift adoption of a robust Directive that includes the criminalisation of rape

    The European Women’s Lobby delivered more than 81,500 signatures in support of a strong EU Law to combat violence against women to Minister of Justice of Spain, Ms Pilar LLOP, Commissioner for Equality, Ms Helena DALLI, MEPs Co-rapporteurs FEMM and LIBE, Ms Frances FITZGERALD (EPP, Ireland) & Ms Evin INCIR (S&D, Sweden).
    [18 July 2023, Brussels] - Last week’s Strasbourg Plenary session marked a historic moment for women’s rights: the European Parliament (EP) adopted a strong (...) Read more

  • Equality Model Now!

    Equality Model Now!

    [12 July 2023, Strasbourg] Some MEPs supporting the Equality Model joined the European Women’s Lobby for a photocall to celebrate the adoption of the Initiative report on prostitution that took place in the FEMM Committee on 27 June. We count on the rest of MEPs to confirm this position and to deliver a similarly powerful message for women and girls during the September plenary session vote. In Europe, women account for 90% of persons in prostitution and 87% of victims of trafficking of (...) Read more

  • Meet Iliana Balabanova, EWL’s new President!

    Meet Iliana Balabanova, EWL's new President!

    On 11 June 2023, the Board of Administration of the European Women’s Lobby elected a new President for 2023-2025.
    We are pleased to welcome and introduce [*Iliana Balabanova*], President and cofounder of the Bulgarian Platform of the EWL, as our new President!
    Before jumping into tackling the many tasks that come with her new role, Iliana shared with us her background, motivation and vision for the feminist movement in Europe and globally. From growing up in socialist Bulgaria to (...) Read more

  • A busy weekend for women’s rights - 100 feminist activists gather in Brussels

    A busy weekend for women's rights - 100 feminist activists gather in Brussels

    [Brussels, 8 June 2023] This weekend from 9-11 June 2023, over 100 feminist activists from across Europe will come together for EWL’s annual General Assembly.
    The EWL members will meet in person in Brussels for the first time after several years of online meetings. Following the exciting and long awaited news about the EU accession to the Istanbul Convention and amidst the ongoing negotiations around the proposal for the EU Directive on combating violence against women and domestic (...) Read more



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