European & International News

Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly Resolution on inequalities in the post-MDGs

[Strasbourg, 30 January 2014] On 30th January, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe adopted unanimously a progressive resolution “Stepping up action against global inequalities: Europe’s contribution to the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) process”.

The resolution 1975 (2014) represents the position of the entire European continent, the 47 Member States of the Council of Europe and is very supportive of gender equality and sexual and reproductive health and rights. The Assembly called on Members States:

  • to respond to ODA commitments at level of 0.7% of GDP (para 8.1.3);
  • to empower women and girls in all spheres of society (para 8.3.1)
  • to promote the guarantee of sexual and reproductive health and rights for women and girls, in particular with a view to avoiding unwanted pregnancies and further reducing maternal mortality (para 8.3.2);
  • to step up the fight against violence towards women and girls (para 8.3.3)
  • to and create equal opportunities for women and young people to access quality education and decent jobs (para 8.3.4)

Click here to access debate and the speeches.


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