European & International News

EIGE marks International Women’s Day with release of list of 100 Inequalities

[Brussels, 11 March 2011] On 8 March, The European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE), based in Vilnius, Lituania, issued a list of 100 facts and figures illustrating the remaining gaps in gender equality within the EU. Read the EIGE Press Release below, and download the factsheet.

EIGE Press Release, Vilnius, 8 March 2011

8 March 2011 marks the 100th anniversary of International Women’s Day. The European
Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) has produced a list of 100 Inequalities to illustrate that,
although there is much to celebrate, we are still a long way from achieving gender equality.

EIGE’s list of 100 Inequalities – a
mere indication of today‘s inequalities - demonstrates that despite the
achievements of the past 100 years,
gender inequality remains an issue
in Europe and beyond. Women in
the workforce are in general still
not paid equally for the same job as
their male counterparts, women are
not equally represented in business
and in politics, and in the rest of the
world women’s health, education,
and violence against women, are all
burning issues in need of immediate

Virginija Langbakk, Director at EIGE
explains that „Inequality is still obvious
in many areas. Women represent
an average of 59 percent of university
graduates in the EU yet only
3 percent of company presidents
are women and only 12 percent of
corporate boards. On average, in the
EU, women’s unemployment rate
remains higher than men’s.“
Removing barriers to gender equality,
tackling gender-based violence,
getting more women into the labour
market , company boardrooms and
into top level jobs, has a positive impact on the economy as well as on
the development of each individual
woman and man.

The Bank of Italy estimates that if female
employment rose to 60 percent,
gross domestic product would rise by
7 percent. “In a country where growth
is at 1 percent, that’s something
to keep in mind,” said Anna Maria
Tarantola, the bank’s deputy director

In addition to this list of 100 Inequalities,
to mark the 100th International
Women’s Day on 8th March , EIGE is
holding an event in Budapest, Hungary - who hold the Presidency of the
Council of the European Union, bringing
together stakeholders and media
professionals to the first regional
consultation meeting to discuss how
to tackle gender inequality issues. On
the same day - from its headquarters
in Vilnius, Lithuania – EIGE will host
an array of women Ambassadors
before members of the press– who
will present a number of inequalities
which still exist today in their respective

During 2011, EIGE will be working on
several issues to ensure it becomes
the European body for gender equality
by gathering approaches and
practices on gender equality work
from EU and Member State level and
operate the European resource and
documentation centre.
By working together we can ensure
that there is a lot to celebrate every
International Women’s Day.


EIGE is a European agency which supports
the EU and its Member States
in their efforts to promote gender
equality, to fight discrimination based
on sex and to raise awareness about
gender equality issues.

  • EIGE’s tasks are to collect and
    analyse comparable data on gender
    issues, to develop methodological
    tools, in particular for the integration
    of the gender dimension in all policy
    areas, to facilitate the exchange of
    best practices and dialogue among
    stakeholders, and to raise awareness
    among EU citizens.
  • The Institute‘s budget for the
    period 2007-2013 amounts to €52.5
    million. The Institute employs approximately
    35 staff and in the near future
    plans to recruit seconded national
    experts to enhance its expertise in
    the field of gender equality.
  • The EU gender equality strategy
    is based around five priorities: the
    economy and labour market; equal
    pay; equality in senior positions;
    tackling gender violence; and promoting
    equality beyond the EU. The
    Commission will also set up a yearly
    top-level Gender Equality Dialogue
    involving the European Parliament,
    the Council presidencies, European
    social partners and civil society to
    assess progress in implementing the

Download the List of 100 Inequalities:

eige factsheet 2011


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