At the national level

EWL and its members contribute to the UK consultation on prostitution

[Brussels, 7 February 2013] After Northern Ireland in October 2012, and Scotland in December 2012, it is now Westminster that is conducting a survey on the issue of prostitution. The All-Party Parliamentary Group on Prostitution and the Global Sex Industry has launched an inquiry to assess the current UK legal situation surrounding prostitution. The European Women’s Lobby (EWL) has sent its response today. From England, the UK-wide organisation Women@thewell, has responded carrying NAWO, the National Alliance of Women’s Organisations of which W@W is a leading member, with it.

In its submission, EWL calls on the UK to update the current legislation and develop abolitionist policies. EWL’s submission is based on its expertise as a European-wide organisation which has, for years, been compiling f knowledge and information about the issue of prostitution in Europe. EWL’s position recently gained more strength and publicity thanks to the success of the European conference on prostitution organised on 4 December in the European Parliament, and the launch of the Brussels’ Call ’Together for a Europe free from prostitution’, signed by around 200 NGOs from 25 EU Member States and 3 other European countries.

NAWO is holding a major conference on this issue following its AGM on February 28th which will be held at Europe House where the European Parliamentary and European Commission offices in London are situated. There is a strong following for the abolitionist cause which NAWO hopes will be encouraged and that new MEPs and Members of Parliament at Westminster will sign up.

In Northern Ireland, the contributions to the consultation are being processed. In December 2012, Lord Morrow MLA made a call in the Assembly for the Justice Minister to implement the recommendations in the GRETA (Group of Experts on Action Against Trafficking in Human Beings) report which relate to Northern Ireland. Read more here.

For more information on the UK inquiry, visit the webpage of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Prostitution and the Global Sex.


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