Feminist NO to surrogacy!

EWL campaigns for the abolition of surrogacy

The European Women’s Lobby started to campaign for the abolition of surrogacy when its memebership adopted a motion calling for EWL action against this form of commodification of women’s body. You can read here all EWL activities on the issue.


In March 2017, surrogacy is on the agenda of the 61th session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women, through an event organised by Stop Surrogacy Now, with survivors, feminist researchers and the EWL.

The same month, the 2nd NGO European meeting on the abolition of surrogacy takes place in Italy, where a coalition of NGOs put forward a statement to CEDAW, calling for the adoption of a resolution condemning all forms of surrogacy. The 1st NGO meeting took place in France in 2016.

In April, the EWL is part of an international advocacy group visiting Spain to meet with decision-makers and speak at a public event. A very strategic lobbying action, followed by meetings in Brussels with Members of the European Parliament. One month after the visit to Spain, the Spanish Committee for Bioethics issues a report suggesting to ban all forms of surrogacy.

To be continued :)


In June 2016, EWL members discuss again the issue of surrogacy at EWL general Assembly, confirming that surrogacy is a violation of women’s sexual and reproductive health and rights, and looking at recent developments in Europe. While the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe rejected a proposal of text regulating altruistic surrogacy in 2015, several countries are discussing altruistic surrogacy as a possible solution for couples who cannot have babies. The EWL has been invited to several conferences in Belgium, where the issue is being discussed by the Senate. The EWL therefore strengthens its arguments against the so-called ’ethical’ form of surrogacy.

The Swedish Women’s Lobby succeeds in influencing the debate in Sweden: in its conclusions, the government inquiry on surrogacy says that "there is no proof that legalising “altruistic” surrogacy would do away with the commercial industry".


During its Year of Action Beijing+20, the EWL organises in May an screening on surrogacy in Brussels, at the Swedish Permanent Representation, together with MEP Anna Hedh. A delegation of EWL members and partners from France and Sweden meets with Belgian NGOs and with several MEPs.

In October, EWL member organisation International Alliance of Women organises a workshop in Paris on the issue of surrogacy. The All Indian Women’s Conference delivers a powerful speech about the reality of surrogacy in India and the need for a global ban.

In May, the EWL co-signs the global manifesto Stop Surrogacy Now, which continues to be supported by civil society organisations form all over the world. At the same time, the EWL joins several feminist groups in a statement calling on the Hague International Conference on International Private Law to listen to women’s organisations and survivors before working on a new convention.

In December, the European Parliament condemns surrogacy in its resolution on human rights and democracy in the world. This position confirms the EP’s previous position against surrogacy and its industry, stated in its resolution of 2011 on violence against women.


In May 2013, EWL President Viviane Teitelbaum mentions surrogacy as a violation of women’s sexual and reproductive health and rights, in her speech to the European Parliament FEMM Committee.

At EWL General Assembly, after a discussion during an issue group, EWL members adopt an emergency motion "An urgent call for support on ban on surrogacy motherhood as a form of global trade with women’s bodies".

The Swedish Women’s Lobby provides EWL members with several feminist arguments on the issue: ’Surrogacy, a global trade on women’s bodies’.


The Swedish Women’s Lobby adopts a statement calling for EU action to end surrogacy, a form of exploitation of women’s bodies and reproductive organs. Based on this position, they launch in 2012 a campaign and website ’Feminist no to surrogacy’ to raise awareness and influence Swedish decision-makers towards the abolition of surrogacy.


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