EWL News

European Parliment joins EWL’s call for adequate EU funding to combat VAW

[Brussels, 02 February 2012] EU funding for combating violence against women must not be decreased in the EU long term budget 2014-2020, requires European Parliament in a resolution adopted on Thursday.

The European Women’s Lobby welcomes the resolution, drafted by Regina Bastos (EPP), as an important contribution to the on-going debate about the future EU budget. The EWL is concerned that in the Commission’s proposals for future EU funding programmes there is no earmarked funding for gender equality and violence against women. This may mean that the actual funding for these issues will decrease.

Parliament reiterates that the current DAPHNE programme, the only EU-wide programme to combat violence against women, children and young people, has been underfunded so far. From 2014 DAPHNE will be incorporated into a ’Rights and Citizenship Programme.’

MEPs regret that combating violence against women is not explicitly listed among the "specific objectives" set out in the Commission’s proposal for the Rigths and Citizenship Programme. This programme must allocate sufficient funding for combating violence against women, and DAPHNE’s profile within it must remain high, says the resolution.

"Violence against children, young people and women is lamentaby still a cruel reality. It is necessary to ensure that the Objectives of the Daphne Programme continue in the future ’Rights and Citizenhip Programme’", said rapporteur Regina Bastos.

Parliament also demands that the new programme allows funding for national projects involving small NGOs.

The EWL contributed to the draft resolution and, in November 2011, the EWL was invited to the Women’s Rights Committee of the European Parliament to discuss the draft text.


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