
Lobbying Kit: Towards a Strong Council of Europe Convention on All Forms of Male Violence against Women (May 2010)

EWL Lobbying kit CoE Convention on VAW May 2010 for print

The Council of Europe is preparing a Convention on ‘preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence’. This Convention has the potential to have an immense impact on the lives of women within the Council of Europe Member States, and will constitute a first step towards political recognition of structural violence perpetrated by men against women through the adoption of a legally-binding human rights instrument. Throughout the process of its elaboration and adoption, the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) aims to ensure the voices and concerns of women’s rights NGOs are clearly heard and fully taken into consideration. This lobbying kit provides targeted information and tools designed to help the EWL, its members, supporters and NGO partners take action and work together towards a comprehensive, strong and effective Convention on all forms of male violence against women.

EWL update on CAHVIO June 2010 print

June 2010 Update.

At the end of June, the EWL Centre on violence against women delivered the first ’EWL update on the CAHVIO process’. The ‘EWL updates on the CAHVIO process’ complement the EWL Lobbying Kit on the future Council of Europe Convention on Violence against Women and aim at informing EWL members and partners of the recent CAHVIO (Ad Hoc Committee on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence) news and the positions of the Member States, and at allowing them to carry out targeted lobbying in their countries.

Please click on the images to download the full documents.


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