EWL News

Women on Company Boards: Looking Backwards - Moving forwards

[Brussels 12 October 2018] The European Women’s Lobby and PwC are delighted to invite you to join us at our event ‘Looking Backwards - Moving forwards’ that is being hosted by Angelika Mlinar MEP from the ALDE Group.

Date and venue: Tuesday 6 November 2018 between 12:30 (following a sandwich lunch from 11:30) to 14:00 in room P5B001 in the European Parliament

On the 20 November 2013 the European Parliament supported a proposal, from the European Commission, to address under representation from women on company boards (so-called Women on Boards Directive). One of the aims of this proposal was that a minimum of 40% of non-executive members on company boards should be filled by women by 2020 in the private sector and by 2018 in public-sector companies.

As we near the end of the current European mandate and as nearly five years have passed since the European Parliament vote, it’s time to take stock and assess what has been achieved. For example, some countries have introduced legislative measures while others have self-regulated women’s representation in companies.

How do we move forward for the future? What type of policies are needed to ensure that women’s representation in leadership and management at the highest levels drive businesses in Europe in the future?

To consider these issues please join us to listen and question our panel of experts.

Draft agenda:

11.30 am Registration and sandwich lunch
12.30 pm Introduction by Angelika Mlinar MEP
12:35 pm Panel discussion moderated by Sarah Churchman (OBE), Head of Diversity and Well Being at PwC
Panelists to include

  • Angelika Mlinar MEP
  • Agnes Hubert, Gender Five Plus -G5, European Feminist Think Tank
  • Monica Mireles Serrano, Head of EU Affairs at IKEA
  • Joanna Maycock, Secretary General of the European Women’s Lobby
    13.40 pm Q&As
    13.55 pm Concluding remarks, Angelika Mlinar MEP
    14.00 pm End

To register: please reply by 22 October to Margherita Logrillo at logrillo@womenlobby.org

Please note that due to strict security measures at the European Parliament, late registrations will not be accepted.

If you do not have a permanent pass for the European Parliament, please indicate your:

  • Full name and first name
  • Date of birth
  • Nationality
  • Type of ID
  • ID number
  • Place of birth
  • Additional info (need of access assistance, optional)

The European Women’s Lobby (EWL) is committed to fully comply with the new European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which came into effect on 25 May 2018. The information you provide us when registering for the EWL – PwC event on 6 November 2018 is for the purpose of this event only. The data collected with your registration is needed to ensure access to the European Parliament for security purpose and to ensure EWL and PwC have a list of confirmed attendees to the event. The information you share with us will be kept safe and will only be shared with EWL, PwC and the European Parliament for security purposes. If you do not wish to be contacted for such events in the future, please send us an email at logrillo@womenlobby.org and we will remove you from our list.


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