European & International News

International news globe All the latest news from the European Union, its member states, and beyond.

  • European study on the gender dimension of trafficking in human beings

    European study on the gender dimension of trafficking in human beings

    [Brussels, 5 April 2016] The European Women’s Lobby (EWL) welcomes the ’Study on the gender dimension of trafficking in human beings’ which has been commissioned by the European Commission, in the framework of the EU commitment to combat human trafficking. The EWL had been calling for a gender perspective on trafficking in human beings for years and is delighted to see a full report address and examine the reality of trafficking for sexual exploitation from a gender perspective.
    Data from (...) Read more

  • European Parliament calls for gender-sensitivity in asylum policy

    European Parliament calls for gender-sensitivity in asylum policy

    [Strasbourg, 8 March 2016. European Parliament Press Release] A reform of EU migration and asylum policies and procedures needs to include gender-sensitive measures to ensure the safety of women seeking asylum, many of whom travel with young children and other dependents, say MEPs in a resolution voted on Tuesday.
    “This report highlights the exceptionally vulnerable situation of women refugees in the European Union. They have fled persecution in their home countries, undertaking a perilous (...) Read more

  • EWL welcomes the European Commission proposal for the EU to access the Istanbul Convention

    EWL welcomes the European Commission proposal for the EU to access the Istanbul Convention

    [Brussels, 04 March 2016] The European Commission has launched a proposal for the European Union to sign and ratify the Council of Europe’s Istanbul Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence. The European Women’s Lobby highly welcomes this initiative as it is a major step forward to put an end to violence against women and to make Europe a safer and more equal place for women.
    The Istanbul Convention is the first European binding instrument (...) Read more

  • EWL contributes to EYD2015 Civil Society Alliance Policy Recommendations

    EWL contributes to EYD2015 Civil Society Alliance Policy Recommendations

    [Brussels, 17 February 2016] In 2015, the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) played an active role as a member of the Civil Society Alliance which coordinated the NGO mobilisation during the European Year for Development (EYD2015). After a year full of activities and action, policy recommendations have been unveiled at the closing event of the Year in Luxembourg last December. The EWL is proud to have contributed to these recommendations, through an article of its Policy and Campaigns Director (...) Read more

  • MEPs urge Commission to table a new gender equality strategy

    MEPs urge Commission to table a new gender equality strategy

    [3 February 2016, Press Release of FEMM Committee] The European Commission must table a communication on a new strategy for gender equality and women’s rights 2016-2020 as soon as possible and deliver on its political commitments, say MEPs in a resolution voted on Wednesday. The communication should address gender equality issues which is in line with the international agenda, they add. The resolution was adopted by 337 votes to 286 and 73 abstentions.
    "A working document, which does not (...) Read more

  • EIGE releases new study: ’Gender Equality in Power and Decision-Making’

    EIGE releases new study: 'Gender Equality in Power and Decision-Making'

    [Brussels, 9 December 2015]The European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) publishes a new study ‘Gender Equality in Power and Decision-Making’. The report is launched as the Council of the EU adopts Conclusions calling on the Member States and the Commission “to step up efforts to promote the equal representation of women and men in decision-making”.
    The study looks at how men and women have been represented in power and decision-making positions in the public, economic and social sectors (...) Read more

  • All India Women’s Conference on surrogacy: a violation of women’s human rights

    All India Women's Conference on surrogacy: a violation of women's human rights

    [Brussels, 4 December 2015] During a seminar organised by EWL members the International Alliance of Women (IAW) in Paris in October 2015, the All India Women’s Conference (AIWC), presented the following statement on the issue of surrogacy.
    Surrogacy motherhood is big business in India
    No doubt surrogacy is a technical marvel, but All India Women’s Conference (AIWC) strongly feels that this is exploitation of a women’s body and must be stopped immediately. Allowing Surrogacy is to make use of (...) Read more

  • European Parliament discusses gender dimension of trafficking and the sex trade

    European Parliament discusses gender dimension of trafficking and the sex trade

    [Brussels, 19 November 2015] “Prostitution is not work, it’s remunerated abuse”. It is with these words that Rachel Moran, author of the book ‘Paid For: My journey through Prostitution’, and member of the organization SPACE International, begins her statement in the hearing about “The gender dimension of Trafficking in Human Beings” during the latest FEMM Committee meeting in the European Parliament in Brussels on 12 November 2015.
    The hearing was on the agenda due to the upcoming report in the (...) Read more

  • The Women’s Global Call for Climate Justice

    The Women's Global Call for Climate Justice

    [Brussels, 3 November 2015] Ahead of COP21 - the 2015 Paris Climate Conference, you can join women of the world and their call for climate justice!
    “We do not give up on our beautiful planet. We do not give up on a future for every species. We will never give up on our campaign for climate justice.”
    Read here the call in several languages, and find out more about the 6 themes of the call.
    November is dedicated to POWER:
    "It is time to reclaim our power — in our commons, our governments, our (...) Read more

  • European Week of Action for Girls

    European Week of Action for Girls

    [Article by PLAN EU Office, 11 October 2015] The European Week of Action for Girls (EWAG) is an annual week-long event which aims to ensure that girls’ empowerment is promoted and their rights are protected and fulfilled in the EU’s external action, through adequate policies, funding and programs.
    Through a series of policy, advocacy, media, campaigning and youth-focused events, EWAG highlights the power and potential of girls as development actors and agents of change, as well as the (...) Read more



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